Ok, this is a rant against some devRanters.

I am a linux user but i fucking hate people who act like dickheads to other OS users.
-A node.js problem is not a windows/linux problem
-An android studio problem is not a windows/linux problem
-A problem with website x is not a windows/linux problem
Understand the problem and give a relevant answer, don't just spit "Use Linux" everytime.

  • 9
    Yeah I hate those too bad you use windows comments...I use Linux, Windows and Mac OS and will use whatever else I want. People really think Linux is the best and will comment paragraphs of "facts" as to why their OPINION is correct but it is still absolutely only their opinion and not a dammed fact like they may say.

    Use whatever you want and so will I. And Linux still does give driver issues no matter what distro I've tried. It ain't perfect either. And I've never had a mouse/trackpad setup on Linux that didn't have issues with scroll speed or cursor accelleration that would always feel "off" no matter how much tweaking was done.
  • 57
    this rant would be a lot more enjoyable if read on linux 😉
  • 15
    A React Native iso could be a Windows and Linux problem
    A node.js script problem could be a running bash in Windows problem
    A graphics card driver problem could be only on Linux problem
  • 8
    But linux DOES solve everything... /s

    Yeah, I can’t play most of my Windows only games on Linux.
    I haven’t setup printing properly yet on Linux.
    Everybody else in my family refusing to touch it unless no other option is available. (Even my Dad, who knows computers.)
    My really cool mouse can only be configured on windows. Windows only driver...
    Occasionally the sounds crackles on startup for some unknown reason.
    Ethernet > Wifi
    Wifi is REALLY hard to configure when it doesn’t just work.

    (All of these experiences only apply to one computer I’ve use it on, my main linux machine.)

    Linux isn’t perfect, but it is still my absolute favorite.

    Whatever works for you.
  • 12
    @CodesNotHot Dude u really sound stressed out, install arch Linux and everything will become better and fix itself trust me mate

    And make sure to use a dark theme for optimal gainz
  • 3
    LMBO. The only thing that pisses me off about Windows is that "surprise update" it does when you think you're just doing a quick reboot that takes years to complete even after you've told it not to update while you reboot.
  • 2
    Skilled developers can get their work done on any OS. And yeah totally agree OS elitism is annoying and a big rolleyes. Learn to use em all.
  • 1
    @irene well then I must have missed these updates notifications.
  • 2
    did you try to turn it off and on again?
  • 6
    I use Linux and I like waving my dick 😊
  • 0
    You can say whatever you want, but there are some facts, and you are just butthurt when somebody mention them. Windows is the best for games, because majority of gamers play on windows. Linux is the best for development because of the same reason...

    Im butthurt cause I have to have a windows machine for games, but such is the way of life
  • 0

    >Or you could just use a Mac and get the best of both worlds!

    Ehhhhh, Macs are visually pretty, but the hardware is either under powered to save battery or really expensive to the point that a regular Linux/Windows PC would be cheaper and better hardware specs wise.

    I'm really not a Mac person, even if they have bash under the hood. You sacrifice more than you gain when it's all said and done.
  • 0
    I think those people are actually not true lover of their OS. Think about it for a sec. If you truly like and love something, would you really share it with others and tell everyone to try it out? Noooooo.

    If you say yes, share me your gf/wife/partner.
  • 0
    Mint crashing at every corner. :( gonna go back to my sweet sweet MacOS
  • 2
    seriously getting started with nodejs is pain in windows
  • 0
    @Floydian BDC
  • 0
    @irene 🙁 ok that's not what I was trying to say but yeah sure.
  • 0
    GNU/Linux Linux
    Operating System Kernel
  • 2
    Node is a pain to setup on Windows though.
  • 1
    I'm normally a windiws fanboy. But some days, when I take the HDMI cable out of my brand new dell XPS 15 and it bsod's I get a little upset.
  • 0
    @irene are you high?
  • 0
    Aw yeah, more meta rants.
  • 1
    Having you tried using Linux to solve your problem? I use Ubuntu and it really helps with this issue.
  • 0
    I wish there was a Linux forum for all the dipshits with way too much free time to post their back patting stories when they actually get their wifi working.
  • 1
    @calmyourtities you're a smartass, but in a good way
  • 0
    so true...
    that's why we need to switch to Linux

    W8 wat...
  • 0
    i've never seen a rant saying that an android studio problem was windows or linux - just complaints about gradle
    same with the other stuff
  • 0
    @LordKerwin setting up an X server to display xorg was pretty straightforward though. i agree however; WSL is no substitute for an actual linux/mac OS utilizing bash
  • 0
    @ParkCity WSL is now with the Springs Creators Update a Substitute for the Linux Bash and if Microsoft starts optimizing the use of GUI through a display Server (not officially supported) then It's even an full-blown replacement.

    That doesn't mean Linux distros running as main OS are obsolete, that only means Linux VM's on Windows and Cygwin are obsolete.
  • 0
    @irene 🧐 That's what I would call a 'danger to society'.
  • 0
    @irene Using Windows 7 in these days
  • 0
    I need to hug you
  • 0
    Lies, as a Linux user who was a Windows and a mac user, while not always, more often than not it is the best solution, yes other solutions exists, but that and many more problems can be solved by moving.

    Shit the guys in my dev team have absolute nightmares on Windows that us mac and Linux users never see.
  • 1
    Have you tried switching to BSD or Solaris? It will solve all of your problems. /s
  • 1
    @PrivateGER it's also significantly slower to install packages. And you get a subpar version of nvm. And tons of node-gyp problems. I could go on. It's definitely doable, it's just a smoother experience elsewhere
  • 0
    I would argue that those 3 problems could be solved quicker with linux :D

    bigger community, better support....
  • 0
    My car didn't start this morning. Damn windows!!!
  • 0
    I develop on Windows and deploy to linux 😂
  • 0
    Honestly, you're right, but windows still sucks.
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