Why are all (or at least 90%) the programming courses so booooring?

  • 0
    No it's not..
  • 3
    yeah if you compare it to the youtube chanel "the coding train" sure it is. rainbows and unicorns everywhere 😄

  • 4
    Are you absolutely positive you like programming?
  • 0
    You should at least be interested in the language you're studying otherwise you wont find a single interesting video
  • 1
    Definitly, i like to code and learn new languages (for fun or in advance) quite a lot, the problem is that i prefer to read articles or watch videos instead of sitting down in a classroom to watch a guy writting code with the "community" clappung their mouths on how should that be done, like seriosly, i get it that he is more experienced and all but instead of 3 hours of this booring nonsence we could always do some kind of practices and read some references of programming articles or watch some tutorials on that subject... again it mighr be my problem as i am easily distracted sometimes :/
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    @the-dawn i was last semester when the language in discussion was Java (as i find it, and OOP languages, quite interesting) but rn we are either studying theoretical aspects of algorithms or systems on blackboards or slides (which is not always boring but i prefer reading or watching videos explaining it in a more well tought way) or learning things like Racket or VHDL (EU/Asia thing instead of Verilog).. it might be the fault of the way it is teached too, i actually find thos interesting at home.. maybe it's just my mentality or something like that
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    @MrWouter i wouldn't mind, it would definitly get my attention 😂
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