It's finally annoyed me enough, I gotta ask...

Am I the only one getting annoyed at procedurals (the shows about crimes) and their accuracy irl, at least when it comes to timelines and alibis that are deemed as 100% uneditable fact... based on metadata and system log files???

Or is this another case of me assuming other humans must realise things i see as simple, should be common, sense?

If it's the latter... ANY system can be modded, timestamps have sooooo many ways of being altered from multiple angles, a few lines of code in an apk file on a dev mode device can make your gps show as anywhere in the world...

even a basic early 2000s runescape bot creator should know the basic methodology of this... and even OS-innate output of event logs can be set up to effortlessly mod themselves to selectively delete or rewrite upon the system's command to show them.

For anyone thinking im FoS/this isnt a simple concept of reality... or simply never considered the reality of how much less work it'd be to just commit whatever crime that high intellect people plan meticulously for years, often still getting caught... including via their own, or easily hacked timestamps/lack of alibi...

Wanna blow your mind?
If you remove all hdds/ssds and even all RAM, any external devices of any kind, cut off all networking, then put brand new, all 0s, storage and RAM in... then only connect directly to a totally direct connection to WAN (aka the internet via ISP... and your ISP has no malware etc)...

Without browsing anything, and a totally fresh, safe, OS newly installed to 0'd new ROM... no one actively finding/targeting you...

Can you already be infected with spyware/viruses/malware/etc?


how? Someone who knows what dev u use and concise coding and drivers in binary... they rewrite your bios to turn on basic components, no fans/lights/etc... bios has the clock, u can be asleep, see/hear nothing while bios boots up totally dark, runs a cimmand to pull all the malware to u... youd be oblivious

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    I don't think any of them are claiming to be remotely realistic. Like no one closes cases at a rate of exactly one a week.

    It's also supposed to be understood by the layman so...
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    People able to do such stuff do have better things to do I guess.
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    @TheBeardedOne no... im specifically referencing the, imo, EXTREME over-reliance on timestamps and metadata... which unfortunately is beyond real.

    Tbh, I have an obscene amount of solid sources... in my teens, i assumed my view was tainted as my main source of 1st person exp was in shitty districts of already shitty Detroit.
    at 18 my car was stolen.
    Knowing i had no car, was a 40m drive away and an upper class, handicapped, teenage white girl (white *shouldn't* matter & im adept w/concealed edged weapons esp projectiles. i assume the surprise/'wtf?!? bitch b crazy!' hasnt hurt-- me) &due to insurance reasons police must "recover" it... only 2 blocks from the station. literally said they didnt feel like it today, suggested i find a way to get it

    But, I easily sway people in person.
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    Nowadays, I have lawyer friends(& tons from business)in many countries. In usa, canada, minor others. ive consulted for cyber crimes and have a huge array of close legal and political friends. Unfortunately, even once against my direct, high paid, advice of checking timestamp manipulation. Tragic ending.

    I get your point about layman comprehension/entertainment... but even argued in major cases where at least 1 involved person shouldve been suspected enough to question the validity of logs... nope... the computer says so.

    Unfortunately ive even seen cases won (including wrongly) based on the timestamp of an isolated set of photos... non-wireless conn capabilities, kept no log of user clock changes... that judge annoyed me sooo much.
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    @retoor hey... i didnt forget... well i did but that was forgetting the timing on chinese new year this year which fked me up majorly... im nearly caught up. Im on mandatory non-work rest for another 45min. but i should be caught up enough to properly get back to you by evening your time. ^.^
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    @awesomeest i'm waiting patiently. As I told, I still have enough to do, i'm not bored :P
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    @retoor u have no clue how excited i am at the prospect of being able to even ½explain certain mechanics without a certain dev yelling(ok.. more like southern girlish whining) at me to stop hurting his head... awesome dev with tons of highly respectable skill(not something i say often)... but data structures, networking, math and low level configs (os and hardware) are not his strong suits...
    Fast as hell, well written, code with proper standards and comments... and knowing whats known/simple to typical ppl vs complex and/or rarely know... he's superb at... everything after "with"... im ridiculously horrid at but fully aware i need to learn shit like wtf should/shouldnt be commented??? I literally have no valid frame of reference as to obvious af or complex next lvl logic.

    Its like this ecomm and beyond site I gotta finish putting up within a couple days... theres like 4+ types (several colours) of silicone bongs... wtf do you write other than "another silicone bong" and size?
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    I used to spend HOURS watching Cops and police chases when I was a teen

    Watch u gonna do bad boys bad boys

    Got that stuck in my head now
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    Those shows aren’t geared for viewers with your brainpower @awesomeest
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    Most media stuff is full of holes you’ll find way before intended audience will find
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    @awesomeest I hear you. Working in any industry is a surefire to ruin most entertainment set in that industry
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    yeah... you're right. unfortunately it also applies to geniuses that absorb and maintain info and skill way quicker than should be possible.
    mom= adv practice nurse(crna)...between days ill and minor surgeries\nerve blocks\etc... i spent soooo many days in the surgical lounge... plus since i was little, i taught 1st aid and AED classes
    int. legal and business exp... too much to list
    etc., etc...

    i have a bunch of 'hobbies' that could each be a career. i innately retain way too much info, whether or not I want to. i also am ocd... especially with language. (yesterday i had brief dental work done... had to ask my dentist to stop saying "open big" cuz i impulsively kept wanting to correct him (wide\wider)).
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    @awesomeest hey look "open big" would get on my nerves too
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