So, Postman requires you to create an account on their systems to... lemme check...
Perform HTTP requests locally.

I need to create an account to perform HTTP requests.

And the whole dev community is looking at this and say "yeah ofc it's perfectly reasonable"

  • 11
    This is bullshit and the dev community knows it and condemns it.

    You can also use postman without an account (as I am doing right now).
  • 5
    TBF I never liked it. It intervenes too much. The only good thing Postman has is collections. For all of the rest -- I use curl
  • 3
    that's why i've been rolling with a postman version 9.something, with everything to "shut the fuck up about updates".

    and it's more like "this is complete batshit insane bonkers, and someone responsible should be stoned for this, and not in the fun way - but postman still is the least terrible tool for the job at hand"
  • 3
    @tosensei until now I've always used the http rest client extension for VScode; I need to send a POST request, it sends the POST request. No nonsense. Simple, dumb, it also works like a charm.
  • 0
    lol really
  • 4
    nobody i've ever met is fine with Postman since they started with this bs. our corporate even banned any Postman version past this account-requirement was introduced
  • 3
    I dislike postman. Too bloated and slow
  • 1
    Honestly we need some postman competition. How fucking hard could it possibly be.
  • 3
    Postman went to shit so I switched to insomnia....

    Then Insomnia went to shit so i switched to Bruno

    Try Bruno, the one with the dog icon

    Edit: I decided that I don't want to be lazy so here's the link for the postman we need: https://www.usebruno.com/
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