
Void Linux. Good distro. But I switched back to Arch.
1. XBPS takes too much time
2. Consumes too much resources
3. Not enough packages.

  • 3
    I never went deep enough into Linux to understand the differences in the distros.
    Void Linux is a cool name though.
    void* linux; // 😏
  • 1
    I use Void on a bunch of my servers and my work laptop. There is a packaging problem in regards to the maintainers and what they're even willing to allow. I wrote a tool called Voidup for making it easier to build custom repositories. I also wrote a bunch of tips for Void here:

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    Favorite was Engarde Linux. Server distro, secure by default (via SELinux), web interface to config and monitor. Too bad it also folded.
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    From my (somewhat limited) experience, it's really not worth going with a niche distro. Just use ubuntu, debian or arch

    They have the most packages, the best documentation, etc.
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    @12bitfloat you didnt cite AmogOS
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    @AdamOnAir TempleOS >>>> everything else
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