
WordPress really is one big piece of garbage. Can't even handle a simple batch operation of 10K items where the process just simply updates 3 fields on a piece of content...

  • 3
    You're asking too much from a bloated CMS. Bypass the WP api and update the DB directly.
  • 1
    What happens when you do that? It's just slow or does it time out? Set php execution limit higher.
  • 1
    @retoor Then what's the purpose of using the batch plugin? LOL it just stops at around 2000 items and refuses to go any further.

    That aside, this site already has pleeenty of resources and the max execution is already set at like 2 minutes for something else.
  • 2
    @fruitfcker That was my next step. Gotta love the "wp meta" table...
  • 2
    @bdriesen wel, put it to 20 minutes I guess. If it's only for some batch update it's ok right? Maybe WordPress just isn't made for such data. WordPress supports xmlrpc afaik, maybe you can just do ten thousand xmlrpc calls to do what you want. Python has a good xmlrpc client.
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