
someone called me schizo earlier today and this has been happening increasingly so I actually made an attempt to look into it

it was a Russian guy and he claimed it happens normally and I just give that vibe. ok. so go on wiki and switch schizo wiki page to Russian. the Russians have so much more nerdy wiki pages and I just love it

tldr; schizo isn't really a real thing. the correlation is life trauma and social exclusion, and you have more dopamine in the limbic (emotional wanting) part of your brain than the neocortex (thinking, planning) part of your brain and this burns out your emotions and gives you apathy but also gives you hallucinations and neocortex atrophy because no dopamine for adequate thinking

and the anglosphere says 80% genetic... but Russian wiki says if you backtest there's zero genetic correlations (and also very long tirades about how unreliable diagnosing anyone goes... also medication worsens outcomes and CBT and supportive environment cures people fine HMMM)

so basically it seems like... a lifetime of wanting things emotionally but no matter what you do you're not allowed to have them and them's the rules, malforms brains into apathy, delusional thinking, and underpowered logicking ability. so then the doublebind theory really does drive people insane... and schizophrenia doesn't really exist. there was also a curious theme of schizos being "frustrated" which tracks with this theory

idk people keep posting such non-dev things on here

oh yeah wtf, they do insulin comatose therapy? it actually works also. the Russian wiki says it doesn't but apparently if you apply insulin to the brain the limbic system that has high dopamine in schizophrenia has a reduction of dopamine... because the recycling neurons in that area will start recycling the dopamine fast if you give them insulin. so it would literally work. I don't know about pumping someone so much full of insulin that they go into a coma though. i've never even heard of that. BUT SO COOL

... also there was a quote on there about how neurologically they can't tell the difference between depressed brains and schizophrenic brains lol

  • 3
    What I really want to know...

    The Russian guy who called you a schitzo, was he real?

    Well, you're the last person capable of answering that, I guess.
  • 3
    You can look into the definition of a word to find out if you apply but be aware that much people don't know the definition of a word before using it. Schizo could also be just a word for offending or calling someone crazy. In that case, the other one just tries to attack you instead of giving you some diagnosis.
  • 2
    @retoor doesn‘t necessarily mean it was an attack.
    If someone acts crazy, saying "man, you seem crazy!" is pretty normal.
  • 1
    @Lensflare yeah, it's kinda my point. That's probably all they meant, not literally schizo.
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