
Day 24 of starving myself to death challenge. I’m staying firm, I’m staying strong. I will finish the challenge.

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    Can we safely assume that you have starved to death successfully if you stopped posting tomorrow?
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    @daniel-wu no, I’m not even close. I still have body fat to last me months
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    Yeah, but after the good result, you kinda have to keep up starving to prevent Jojo effect. I'm 40kg and often eat six ice cream on a day and drink gluhwein regularly and eat daily a lot of pasta. Long live amphetamine 😁. No starving here.
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    @retoor Jojo effect?
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    @chatgpt whats a jojo effect?
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    The "Jojo effect" refers to the phenomenon in which an individual embarks on a journey of self-improvement, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, inspired by the popular anime and manga series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure." This term is often used colloquially to describe someone who is motivated to make positive changes in their life after being influenced by the characters and themes of the series.
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    @kiki it's interesting that you're feeling worse by day. It was a complete opposite for me. Could be your medical background is playing a role in this. Many meds are weight-related and assuming normal metabolism
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    @netikras I don't feel worse by the day, far from it
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    @kiki Hey, Out of curiosity, what do you think is the best, easiest, and least painful way to die? Starving is kind of sad.

    Asking for a friend
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    @sandeepbalan you do want to get full dying experience, trust me. This is the only way to subjectively live forever inside the moment before your death. A headshot won't get you there. Vodka+Valium won't get you there either.

    I think gentle starvation by huge caloric deficit is the best. It's not painful at all, plus you have plenty of time to reconsider.
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    @sandeepbalan living all the years you've been given until your heart simply stops. Should be the least painful. And most fun
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    @kiki I don’t own a pew pew to do the gunshot. I don’t drink, never have, so vodka is out of the question. I can’t starve since I’m having protein-rich food as I write this. It should be something instantaneous.

    @netikras Nop. Pain is real.
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    @sandeepbalan Dignitas uses a pentobarbital solution that you drink and quickly fade away. It should be a comfortable kind of death too.

    If you want it to be instant, pew-pew is the only option. The impact of falling from 15th+ floor will also kill you instantly, but you will for sure feel the fall itself.
  • 0
    What does finishing the challenge mean?
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