
I find this a bit disturbing.

Programming languages shouldn’t be rated, that’s what I feel.

Thoughts ?

  • 19
    Agree. Each programming language is created for a purpose
  • 15
    Indeed they should not. But it is somewhat useful to follow trends to know which ones are in high demand.
  • 5
    Clickbait like "best this or best that" is not worthy of attention. Use whatever you like that works for you.
  • 20
    Best size wrenches to use 2017
  • 2
    Then why you post?
  • 4
    My hammer is better than yours though? /s
  • 2
    Every programming language is invented to be an implementation of certain set of ideas. I mean, pure OO, pure functional or somehow both, but not pure, traditional compiler or JIT or interpreter, static or dynamic, strict or loose, sync or async or straight up full parallel and so on.

    If you’re able to fit all of these ideas inside your head, you’ll become a polyglot learning new languages just by checking up the syntax. Everything would look familiar for you.
  • 1
    Well then. This is going to blow your mind! https://research.hackerrank.com/dev...
  • 0
    Are there at least categories?! So you can use this when deciding what to use for xy problems.. ??
  • 3
  • 0
    The best is not always popular. It's like best language for your career.
    For eg. JavaScript is not the best language, it's among the worst. But it's among the most used language on the planet and this is not going to change soon.
  • 2
    I feel that this kind of stuff happens because beginners, perhaps for a lack of understanding of the intricacies of development, are searching for this kind of stuff. So the content creators try to exploit this fact by making this stupid lists in order to appeal to them.

    We all have opinions on language strengths and weaknesses but any competent developer should understand that there aren't better languages per se.

    At least that's what I like to believe about this kind of stuff or the "Should I choose React or Vue or Angular or Preact or Inferno or Glimmer" posts.
  • 0
    Tbh best language in a certain situation makes sense. Its definitely fair to rate some languages above others (like if I tried to make a language you'd put it at the bottom of the list). Best in general doesn't make much sense.
  • 4
    That laptop is so white. It should have a dark theme.
  • 1
    These articles arw getting dumber and dumber man. Look at my post.
    I read an article where a guy is labeling types of developers.
  • 0
    @framework all I could think about was why there were no letters on the laptop keyboard!
  • 1
    All these useless comments, alright, I'm gonna go for : English
  • 0
    I guess you could say best language for X and Y. For example, for a large 3D game there is currently only one real option.
  • 0
    Muggles and their "these X types of Y will Z"-articles. *rolls eyes*
  • 2
    I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    You choose the tools for the job. You don't make the job fit the tools.
  • 0
    @chrisrhymes oh no. There’s this keyboard that has no letters on the keys, instead it has the letters printed on it’s front. I mean, front of each key

    Here’s it. https://amazon.com/Filco-Majestouch...
  • 0
    I look at these post/videos more in a sense of "what programming languages are in demand in 2018" so if I want to learn a new language to sweeten my resume, I might pick one of the "best languages".

    Apart from that I wouldn't pay much attention to those lists. They exist for the most part because it's easy content to create I guess.
  • 2
    Basically noob bait.
  • 1
    Regardless I'm never touching "Emojicode" or "Brainfuck"
  • 0
    Probably a clickbait for those new developers
  • 0
    @ChachiKlaus I agree ranking by popularity is better
  • 0
    You worry for nothing, people which do not understand someting start t rate it, is in our nature.

    I swear some of us would rate even their mothers smh..
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