I wish installing updates in Windows 10 was as easy as:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

  • 0
    Try usoclient ScanInstallWait
  • 7
    Clicking one button is hard because...?
  • 3
    @sharktits It fails several times before actually succeeding. Also it claims to always check for updates automatically, yet when I press the button to do it manually, then updates actually appear.
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    @arcadesdude Huh. Never knew that existed. Thanks.
  • 15
    Updating windows 10 is easy. Just forget to save your work and walk away from your computer. Windows 10 will do the rest.
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    @Wackoo 100 Yup, exactly. And another thing too, sometimes when it updates and I come back, I can’t tell if it updated while I was away, or if it bluescreened.
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    @dontbeevil I know, but what i’m saying is that some sort of notice would be nice
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    apt update
    apt upgrade

    Much nicer to use, plus it has a progress bar.
  • 2
    Windows updates are nonsense. You update-- which can involve one or more reboots, especially on a new install --and then it unlocks a new set of updates. Compared to Linux, and even Mac, it's completely ridiculous.
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    Get Win 10. You won't have to do anything.
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    Windows 10. Two days ago. Four rounds of compete updates.
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    Windows users having trouble with updates is one of the reasons I sometimes dip into the insufferable "why not linux?" stereotype. I'd rather have myself to blame for going sudo pacman -SyuF --force instead of Windows doing it in the background every day. At least then I know why it broke and have a chance at rolling it back.
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    No, not 1709. What does it matter? Why should it matter? Requiring constant interaction is a terrible design, regardless of what year it was.
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    But to find a version of linux that couldn't be patched with a single fire-and-forget command, I would have to go back to the 1990s. Windows 10 is the 6th major end-user release of Windows since then, and they still haven't wrapped their brains around it.
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    Idk it just updates for me. Isnt that easier than entering commands?
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    That's still interactive though. It still prompts you to restart, and it still makes you wait during shutdown and startup for updates. That's hardly in the background.
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    I wish updating Linux would be as easy as updating Windows, so I could make sure the Lubuntu, I installed on my old moms laptop would always work correctly.
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    About Windows Updates if there are updates after updates, then what I recommend is going to Settings click on Scan for updates (if no updates are shown) and install them and reboot and scan again.
    If you can achieve that the update scanner no longer shows any updates you just have from now on rescan for updates regularly or else the updates could accumulate again.
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    Yes, you're illustrating what I think is wrong with its design.
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    @bahua I simply never got into that cycle and always check it at the end of the day. If there is an update I postpone it to the weekend. Also I'm in the Fast ring.
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    It might be fine with you to have to sit on your updates to see them through but I find it intolerable.
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    @bahua What do you mean with sit on updates to see them through ?
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    I mean that when I initiate an update in Windows, I am at its mercy until it's done. Maybe it'll want to reboot, but that won't be clear until it's time. And if it wants to reboot, it won't just reboot. I'll continue the update after I logout and before I login, in a manner that requires exclusive use of the computer. If I am waiting for either event to complete, I'm out of luck. I have to just sit and wait.
  • 1
    @bahua With the next update the reboot time should shrunk to a half hour.
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