
Saw this meme, and was immediately reminded of the bad spam times here

  • 5
    Haha :) We're still under heavy attack, I get a mention for every spam message. If you go to weekly rants in app, you can scroll scroll scroll trough the spam (downvoted messages are displayed there). Really happy with the performance of the project. It had many annoying caveats like losing down vote rights for bots where I had to find the solution for. The solution is many accounts controlled by one service that login under accounts one by one in current sequence and downvote. By making a circle every time, the other bots do not downvote a long while making them not lose their downvote rights. Also, bots needed reputation to be able to downvote, another problem. Also found a solution for that. There's no reason for a bot to post a post to get upvoted while it didn't downvote. Do you follow? :p So, bots get trained in upvotes on a special place instead of spamming whole devrant for upvoting eachother. Only 4 bots communicate on rants. The rest are hidden.
  • 3
    @retoor I can believe that little miss hall monitor ;P Is it still Buffon or just genericos? You've made the place a lot better, and it's interesting to hear how you've managed it :D
  • 2
    @BordedDev yeah, but sad that my own spam AI model is failed. The only thing it learned is that links are probably spam. Well that is many times correct, it always picks the wrong ones. It is doable of course to train your own anti spam model, but it does require refactoring of data. I wouldn't be surprised if finetuner of data becomes a profession on its own.
  • 1
    @retoor It is, my uncle is one ;P (kinda, he needs to make sure that it doesn't learn too much about "statistics")
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    @BordedDev does he work for RIVM by any chance? 😂
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    @retoor No worse, banks
  • 1
    @BordedDev hmm, is that really worse than RIVM? :P I dunno, banks is just money, and probably on a level that does not really affect us directly, RIVM is about direct public influence.
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    @retoor You want hypotheek, well, you're not the right colour...
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    @BordedDev hmm, is that really still the case you think? In Netherlands? I think Netherlands is pure about numbers. We're too strict to be racist about that. I think we care about profit more than racism :P
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    @retoor It's his job description... Whether he slants it to be factual or biased, I do not know
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