
Well, my boss is officially unhinged.

He threatened me in a call. He thinks I ratted him out to HR for living over seas. Funny thing is I don't give a rats ass, he's got the wrong guy.

Going to HR now though, see if I can move teams to minimize the damage he can afflict on me.

  • 4
    It was illegal to live overseas?

    And between us (and the wide web world) - you did rat him out huh ;) You just couldn't help yourself. You had to do it!
  • 9
    @retoor cats out of the bag now!

    Apparently the company has a policy about remote workers and time away from their geographical pay areas. Likely only used for people being insane. I wasn't even aware of it.
  • 3
    @lungdart is he a Thailand kind of guy...?
  • 4
    @Demolishun these days you don't have to go to Thailand for that anymore. They're everywhere and it's very normal! According to the news.
  • 6
  • 3
    working HR? never seen it!

    edit: guess it works if they can stiff someone money... sigh. everyone's all malice all the time aren't they
  • 2
    @jestdotty HR is there to protect the business from people.

    This is lawsuit territory, so they may actually give a fuck
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    Had a call with his manager. HR is involved, and the shit storm begins
  • 3
    Smartest thing to do when caught at work: "Ahh, may bad. How can we fix this?" not "I am gonna find out who did this to me!" Like, the dude did it to himself.
  • 2
    @Demolishun just had a call with a coworker. He's started threatening other people as well...
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