
What's the mantra when there's no manual? RTFS?

Zig's standard library is largely RTFS. There's some docs, but it's a little sparse in my opinion.

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    Zig is definitely still in the "let's get something working maybe we'll worry about finalizing it later" stage
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    @12bitfloat it’s 8 years old. Hopefully we can at least get a stable (between versions) stdlib and build system soon…
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    @AlgoRythm Hey, time isn't the friend of all of us

    *stares at racing game repo where after 2 years I still haven't started with the actual game yet*
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    @12bitfloat don’t worry, I’m sure that three-colored OpenGL test triangle will be a race car in no time!
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    @AlgoRythm It's a still unshaded mesh using vulkan I have you know!
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    What's your overal opinion about Zig zo far? I didn't touch it yet. Probably won't for the same reason yet I don't touch other languages atm. I'm happy for now. Will look further when bored from the current ones. My main reason to look for a different language is pure to break the slut. Not needed yet.
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    @retoor Zig is great, the only real drawback is doing things idiomatically requires a lot of research - and not the "regular" "research" (google), but instead, reading source code and going on zig-specific forums. Maybe even reading commit messages.

    I know the longer we wait, the better Zig will be, but I really wish it could just enter 1.0 so we can start building a stable community around it.
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