The year is 2025.

WSL2 still makes it a major, excruciating pain in the ass to expose a port over the network without having to look up the fucking command and think about the stupid cancerous networking model every time.

All I wanted to do was run some experiments with AI models on my gaming laptop using its GPU, and expose an API to my other laptop, having the latter as a client.

Guess I have to get fucking rid of Windows forever if I want a fucking usable computer.

  • 4
    try ollama, it has a windows installer that doesn't require any WSL or docker stuff. worked pretty flawlessly when i tried it
  • 3
    The year is 2025
    The roman empire is on its last legs
    The barbarian hordes threaten to sweep all throughout Europe and the Americans

    Men gather to destroy their number
    True patriots of their cause
    20 years before they actually were destroyed
  • 2
    Well maybe not 20
    They're so crazy they have a shorter shelf life than milk lmao
  • 3
    @AvatarOfKaine I missed you so much.
  • 2
    @retoor ...with every shot?
  • 2
    @tosensei no, that was a straight hit, he had to recover for months and now he's back 😁 Just kiddin, I'm not the police :p
  • 1
    @retoor well, you could do the same trick again.
  • 1
    @tosensei I only hunt for bounties.

    Toss me a candy bar.
  • 1
    @retoor you'll get two, if you want - after you _finish_ the job.
  • 1
    @tosensei ok, but the original one, not from the lidl or Aldi butte.
  • 0
    Why bother with the crutch that WSL is when you can dual boot or VM
  • 1
    I just want a laptop with two NVMe slots (or Sata + NVMe) where I can install Windows for gaming and Linux for productivity without messing up with partitions
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