
My second job interview ever tomorrow.
Btw the other company from a month ago didn't take me. Was too good for them...
Maybe I will be able to improve some things from last time!
Wish me luck!

  • 1
    What is the position? JS?

    Wait, isn't your age like 16??
  • 2
    1. Back End Web Developer
    2. Intern position. You are required to have 2 months of real job experience here in Austria.
  • 2
    Good luck boi
  • 2
    Thanks <3
  • 2
    Interview went perfectly (I think)!
    Talked to a really nice dev who knew a lot about web development and such.
    He even asked some questions about programming which was not the case at my previous interview from the guys that didn't take me...
    I managed to answer most of the question but there where some really hard ones 😕

    Let's see if I get a response 😊
  • 2
    What were the hard ones?

    (How many tennis balls can be filled in a 747?)
  • 2
    Not remember exactly but I think one was about the changes in EcmaScript 6.
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