
Got to stage 3 of 5 of an inteview and just discovered the person at stage 4 decides who is qualified to continue, interviews are crazy this days, am lucky i got a job and am not desperate else i would be screwed by this assholes 😡.

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    Anything that’s more than 2 stages is bullshit in my book.
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    Best interviews are making an small assignment, but that's not a very popular opinion. Some people even want to have money for that. As an employer, people with such attitude wouldn't get hired at all. It's called self investment sucker. Wie zaait die oogst enzo.

    I barely can't imagine passing five stages if they all would be critical. I once got rejected because I wouldn't be a good team fit - that was the only remark. Fine, i'm very outspoken and I can hit people under the knees easily. It works for me. It's better than getting hired in that case. But it was a beautiful company and my friend who just lost his job because of bankrupsy, a very skilled dev, being the opposite of me, very silent, no bs, perfect employee, got my advise to apply there. He did, got rejected due same reason. Wtf.

    But having a social click is maybe the most important thing during an interview. If that part fails, you're out probably. Being a less social nerd is maybe possible but not if it's 'wrong'
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    @retoor some places you aren't a good fit because you are not in the "click", group, or religion they are in.
  • 4
    Companies want to interview like they're Google and pay like you're a grocery bagger.

    All for a job that's actually "move this button two pixels to the left" and change the return type on that endpoint"
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    @Demolishun nah, I bashed the CDN in the interview and pointed out that I couldn't imagine to be useful for their use. Maybe I just bashed something my interviewer introduced or smth. Maybe they thought my mouth was too big. These things can cost you your oppertunity or be the thing making it happen. I am aware that bashing is omething you shouldn't do quickly and maybe not even in trial period... I don't know why I did that - there must be something that triggered me. Maybe they promoted it as a cool thing or so, i wouldn't have swallowed that. Guys, need a CDN? Give your files to me, i do it for half price guaranteed.
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    @TheBeardedOne that's because their current devs are probably lazy bastards and told them that their pixel moving is top notch shit that only can be done with 3 year C, Delhpi and mongodb experience.
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    @retoor I'm happy for civilians to think that everything any developer does is absolute wizardry unless they're the poes in charge of hiring and know how to actually test for such wizardry
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    I did electronic/electrical integration for controls systems. I worked on a project with myself and another electrical. Our boss was a mechanical engineer. We had a meeting once that went like this:

    Mech Eng Boss: I just don't understand what you guys do. (referring to electrical controls)

    Me: And we endeavor to keep it that way.

    I don't remember much of the rest of the meeting, but he wasn't very happy about my response.
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    @TheBeardedOne I love tests! Gimme gimme gimme. Not more than 4hrs please, i have a no life to go to.
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    @retoor yea that's my only issue with tests well that and if they turn out to not actually be indicative of the job
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    @TheBeardedOne thats true. Had one test that was exactly the job. Failed half on that one and got hired. Nobody passed it :P The test sucked. They tested logical reasoning of situations that really happened before within the company. They described their system a bit and explained issues that happened and asked what could've been the case. It was pure reasoning. I went home, being sure that I wouldn't be hired but they did! They were very critical, because i was their first employee. It were two bosses.
  • 1
    @retoor the first employee with two bosses? That actually sounds like a really tough space
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    @TheBeardedOne two bosses or one boss with two phases? 🙃
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    @TheBeardedOne well, i can tell you it's hard work if you're the only employee and you need to make some profit for a smol company. It was a succesful relationship tho, I visited last year to see how things are. Keep your former employers close.
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