
the more I run into broken software the less embarrassed I get at the idea of software I make possibly being broken

I have like 5 things broken in a row now. I keep finding alternative ways to meet my goals but finding more things broken... because people are just releasing broken software... to basically prod

if this is the state of man I am a better herald

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    No no no, it should make you angry and motivate you to do it better :P

    I could do better by investing more time per component that i develop and do it right the first time. I have a continue working and do things that i've could have done better just next time when i write such stuff. I do not take a step back, always forward. That's nice, but my recent work really could be better.
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    @retoor if everything I build on is this fragile I'll keep going down the stack and get nothing done -.-

    ffs now I'm getting websocket errors on a fake browser that's just trying to run some javascript. they of course happen randomly. rust's safety is pretty useless
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    don't worry. the way i figure, any software created by you isn't _possibly_ broken.
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    @jestdotty why would you care about websocket error on fake browser?
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    @retoor Careful, that's how you end up on the devops train - you get to run tons of tools to check for typos ;P

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    @retoor think it's using websockets to talk to chromium

    I got it to work though it was my fault. I was using a css selector to get some elements on the page and then click one of them, but I had misfired and not selected the element properly, so when I did the click it was just sitting there hanging until it timed out. I turned off headless browser and it's pretty cool to see a debug test browser go to webpages on your behave and such but it made me realize the bug. whoopsie

    oh this isn't even my rant about the browser thing. this was actually my rant about updating Linux dependencies lmao (which I needed to do to get chromium since Vivaldi was hanging on opening a new tab if I tried to use it via my code)... but then I had conflicting electron dependencies and then seems I got another stupid GPU driver even though I don't want one. whatever problem for another time

    devtools protocol supposedly: https://chromedevtools.github.io/de...
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    Software is never really finished. It's a wonder any of it, especially banking stuff, still works
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