
yesterday couldn't sleep for the life of me. my brain was racing to the point of every thought being like a loud scrape upon my soul. then I realized I think this is anxiety

I had ordered some drugs and I bought CBD gummies with them to make the order over a certain amount. so I got these very strong CBD gummies, which taste really good, and turns out I can't even feel CBD at all when I eat it. I always assumed the slow-down after weed smoking was CBD but I don't even get that malaise thing

well I got distracted and stopped taking the CBD gummies regularly. I think last night I was in withdrawal from them. I might not feel them when I take them but I think I feel them when I'm withdrawing from them... on top of it nothing would calm me down; not exercise, not teas, not various herbal stuffs, etc. then I remembered the gummies and ate one and that did it

upside, I think I can now conclusively say I've never had anxiety. I interpret anxiety as increased awareness, flight of ideas, increased reaction speeds, like before an interview or meeting a new exciting person all my sense would get on alert. but this was different. I felt haunted, crazy, and there was nothing I could do. then it reminded me of people who I knew who were saying they had lots of anxiety. now I has proof I don't have anxiety as a person! no more being accused inappropriately and considering such, being all confused that maybe I just didn't have a working sensor for the state. now I knooowww

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