"You can't argue with the TV"

This statement is true when engaging with people online. The TV has told them what to think. Sometimes it takes a jarring moment to shake someone out of this trance. For some nothing will break the programming.

I can tell when someone isn't thinking for themselves. They repeat the standard media terms, and then use those terms to dehumanize people. They can then dismiss any counter information as being from "those people".

I assume this is some kind of protection mechanism. I suspect people are afraid of being wrong and their ego won't allow this. So the conclusion seems to be: people who don't believe the TV "must" have character faults. Some even have fantasies of harming those who don't agree. I have witnessed this a few times with a few different people. It would be sad to live like that. I don't understand or comprehend that kind of hate. I can only suspect this comes from the TV content. I don't know because I haven't watched it in almost 15 years.

The AP is a trillion dollar propaganda machine. If you can see through its facade count yourself lucky.

Pray for people to wake up. Remember you can't argue with the TV. Just move on.

On a side note. Viewership of traditional AP media is now in the toilet. So I hope that is progress.

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    @Root is when an intelligent Englishman looks at something.
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    Also indoctrination, and “demoralization” to use Yuri’s term.
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    mind viruses
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    been enjoying this book on lizard people. it's the lizard people

    it's not sad to live like that... it's a personal hell they can't escape from. they don't even know what's going on

    I've decided I'm going to become a herald. gonna play some checkers. got the disposition for it

    I used to feel like a god. then I got sick. I thought some parts were cool, like I felt I thought more like other people, therefore I suddenly understood their state of mind when I couldn't before. this actually has haunted so much of my life; I just saw them as "mixed up" but didn't know why. drove me nuts. I'm very empathetic but I couldn't read them! what!

    I think I went to hell. every moment for 2 years I constantly felt like I was dying. it was endless and time didn't work like it should. forgot everything of existence. most notable sensation? I suddenly felt "alone". it's like before getting sick I was connected to something... and then I wasn't. I couldn't see "the thing behind the thing" anymore...
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    @jestdotty damn it, The Game!!!!
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    It's a lot like getting people to question their religion. Which is to say, most times it is not fruitful. There are people skilled at doing this though: I read about this guy Daryl Davis who has a bunch of Klan robes because he convinced their owners to give it up.
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    I still had to go grab my grandma's tv
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    I've managed to get a beach head with some people by pointing out how the referee is completely wrong by calling off their team's goal due to a forward pass, or some other sports thing. It works better when the commentator agrees with the referee, because then the voices in the black mirror box are all wrong.
    Still I am not able to have them make the jump from "TV might, sometimes, be wrong about sports" to "TV might, sometimes, be wrong about the political interpretations of events or even about the actual events"
    But I think I'm getting there. The actual events have been helping, absurdity is the norm nowadays and it helps breaking the denial shell.
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