Brazilians look so cool

  • 1
    More context needed. With context, I mean women with juicy doubles.
  • 7
    @fruitfcker instructions unclear
  • 1
    @Demolishun I believe those are plump 😂
  • 1
    More importantly they don't tickle your nose.
  • 2
    Until they delay two-week tasks for freaking 2 months while promising every day that "it will be done by next week"

    Ok, it could have been someone from anywhere, but my most pungent memory of this situation was regarding a brazillian team member.
    He was the one who gave me the tip to switch from coffee to mate*, though. So I think we're even.

    *that longer & harder to type brazillian version of mate
  • 3
    Girl 1: I slept with a Brazilian.

    Girl 2: OMG, like how many is that?
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