The fact that Trump was elected U.S. president not once, but twice, is the ultimate proof that many American voters are as daft and gullible as I suspected. To those who voted for Trump: What were you thinking, if at all, by putting the worst bullies in charge? "Make America Great Again", Trump says. More like "Make America Go Down the Drain." I couldn't care less, if it weren't for the U.S. dragging the rest of the world down with it.

  • 4
    The yanks always did stupid scummy shit. Hell they've been funding a genocide for 2 years. The issue is that yanks are like sith, they can only deal in absolute.

    The dude is a retard who cannot even pick a hat his size. You can smell his disgusting flagrance of old man's goo
  • 2
    "Gee, I think I should vote for the guy who told us we should inject ourselves with bleach to kill the Covid-19 virus."

    Speaks volumes to a lot of Americans who voted for him.
  • 4
    @fruitfcker I mean these people still measure length by using their feet.
  • 4
    3 retards with trump derangement syndrome. Wow that's a new record!
  • 3
    Maybe, if your information comes from traditional media, it's time to upgrade to no media. How is it possible that a man gets elected while the media is completely against him? Nobody has so much bad press as Trump has and he survived. The other team was just worse, it's that simple. So far, he's doing fine. Americans should be happy that they probably not go to war. America first I guess.

    For Europe: don't be fucking stupid. If you go in conflict with Russia, big bye. Not supporting ya. I do not think Russia will continue to other countries after Ukraine. They were giving us that fear from the beginning and I think it's all media shit. There are no plans for that and it doesn't make sense at all.

    If Putin takes a slice of Ukraine, than that's how it is. No reason to send people to fight. It's just retarded. Most people couldn't point Ukraine on the map before the war happened. Now giving life for it?

    I had a great time for long in UA. But it's just corrupt shit.
  • 2
    They're both corrupt. There is a fake left and a fake right. Biden's team literally silenced the allegations of Tara Reid and had the FBI raid a reporters house to take back the drug rehab diary where Ashley Biden said Joe showered naked with her.

    Trump's assassination was fake/staged and he was with Epstine on the private jet just like Clinton.

    Stop your political splurging bullshit. No one cares. This isn't the forum for it. I want tech rants, not your /pol bullshit.

    I don't like Orange Man or Pedo Joe. But at least Orange Man knows what a woman is, even if he's going to send a bunch of Americans to die for the United States of Israel.

    If you don't understand why people voted for Orange Man, you're part of the problem.

    I don't vote. I do things that actually matter.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat noone loves you idiot. Not even your mummy.

    She would have taught you retards how to wear a hat lmao
  • 0
    @djsumdog nobody cares about the US anyway. Trump suck dicks, the US suck dicks, quit astroturfing the internet with your bullshit.

    Let's focus on the real enemy here.

  • 2
    What do you guys hate the most about germans?

    For me it's their smell.
  • 2
    @12bitfloat you just like trump because he's german. He's probably considered a sex icon in germany. Imagine that, the country boi realizing our lifelong dream of a fourth reich
  • 1
    @12bitfloat plus come on we have shit politicians but at least they're not born pre-ww2.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm I don't even like him that much. Especially recently he's going of the rails

    I just cringe when I see TDS
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I hate all american president equally.

    Now come on. Without even talking about politics.

    The dude is a cunt.
  • 5
    reddit is leaking, lol
  • 2
    @Demolishun what's reddit?

    Is it some sort of digg.it clone?
  • 2
    @djsumdog "If you don't understand..." -> that line directly forwarded to someone who needed to hear that. Thank you.
  • 5
    Those who don't vote because they're waiting for the perfect candidate to appear are doomed to be waiting forever. Instead, one should vote here and now for the lesser evil that is immediately available. Every politician is a scumbag, no exceptions. Every old politician is a pedo, no exceptions.
  • 2

    I take it you're American? In that case, you're just proving my point.

    Sure, I agree that devrant isn't a platform for politics, and I've never discussed politics here before. But now that Trump has taken everything to its extremes, turning the United States into a dictatorship, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. Trump's extreme politics are an existential threat to the USA as we know it and to the rest of the world. It's like giving a 9-year old access to nukes. It's an urgent topic that must be brought up and someone needs to put a stop to that madness.

    You see, I too do things that actually matter, and I think discussions like this, do matter. Now, what is it that you do that actually matters?
  • 1

    Do you really believe Europe went into a conflict with Russia? Is that what they say in American media? If Americans are fed with that bullshit and believe that crap, then I understand why they vote for Trump and stand behind him turning his back on Europe.

    To be absolutely clear: It is Russia that got into a conflict with Ukraine and threatens its European neighbours, *NOT* the other way round!
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    @TerriToniAX I'm beyond dutch. In that case it's fine, I don't think Russia will do anything. So if Europe stays relaxed as well, everything is OK.
  • 2
    @kiki sure, but with that logic and without it, Trump would've still been president.

    I don't vote because I don't see voting having effect at all, at least in NL. What people want in NL is so clear. But delivery? Nope. Because of some rules. Sure, but if everyone against it, drop the fucking rules. It isn't that hard.
  • 1
    Just common populism that is present in every "democratic" country. It' snot democracy it's populistic ochlocracy at best.
  • 1
    @kiki this. When Trump said he'll drain the swamp, I don't know what he's talking about. It's the same snakes. When Biden got elected, it's the same. Whoever gets elected next, it's the same shit all over again.
  • 1
    mirror mirror on the wall

    projecting my own state at other people
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