The industry should stop demanding too short time frames to learn new skills.

Sometimes it takes a full year of near-fulltime study to be strongly competent in it and it definitely doesn't take just a week.

  • 4
    We also should stop demanding it from ourselves often I guess. I wanted to learn Rust while disliking the language just to keep up-to-date. I played during dinner some Rust video tutorials very low effort. That's not how you learn folks! I learned some basics and unlearned them in a one week or so.
  • 2
    One year is too much and a few weeks is not enough.
    I’d say 1-2 months is appropriate.
  • 3
    @retoor Learning by doing is better than learning by watching video tutorials.
  • 3
    @Lensflare yes, as I stated "that's not a way to learn folks!".

    Also, the one or two months example, c took me way more time before I could confidently write applications that are stable. What a Rollercoaster was that. It required also getting less lazy and bring a bit more dedicated while coding.
  • 2
    @Lensflare How about Oracle Database Expert? My Data Scientist friend studied a year for it because the course book was in the 3000 pages. Even becoming an Oracle Certified Professional for Java is reputed to take at least three months.
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    @CaptainRant for this you should be paid compensation for pain and suffering
  • 1
    That's why we have "master X in Y days"
  • 1
    @retoor Common recommendation I've found is doing https://adventofcode.com/ (that's how I tried rust)
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    @BordedDev nah, I think i'm settled with C#, C and Python as goto languages. That's reason why I lost interest for it, realizing that.
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    @retoor Similar situation here, but if you want to try another language it can be useful to try with those problems (I find they don't really stretch code syntax knowledge but doing a couple is enough for you to grapple the basics in any lang)
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    they say to learn well you gotta unlearn what you know first

    otherwise what you expect to be correct is gonna slow you down like heavy baggage, as new information conflicts with it and you have to suffer re-arranging that nonsense around

    I imagine that's why iq decreases as people age. so theoretically if you start with a blank mind you would learn just like a kid again and it wouldn't really even feel like learning. you just gotta see it once and you get it
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    I learned I didn't want to learn Brainfuck in about 5 minutes.
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    @retoor we need a language called Goto.
  • 4
    "just do a udemy course". lol. took me a month to work on this one Angular course for work, I still don't know what the fuck is going on in this large enterprise app I have to work on and it's been almost a year. I feel dumb and burned out.
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    @asgs I have found material like that often lacking in depth and thus not helping me in the long run.. in addition to being forgettable.
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    @jestdotty Oh the pain, I feel the pain.
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    @int32 Hey, you look familiar. Are you employed in the Convert class sometimes, using the .ToInt32() function? jk lol

    As my response: yes, I recognize that pain.
  • 1
    @CaptainRant I bet you have used that pickup line many times before, successfully :)
  • 2
    Depends on the skill in question.
  • 1
    @Lensflare At least I used it. ;p
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