
Do coding test for Vue.js job, because I don't want to work with shitty Angular anymore.

HR person sends React test, with some random string manipulation question in vanilla JavaScript.

I don't do React, but tried the test anyway. Better than shitty Angular.

Told her uhm this is the wrong framework...

I hate web dev.

  • 1
    DIFFERENT framework "but i did it anyway, i hope I've done good while I of course wasn't expecting that".

  • 1
    > I hate web dev.

    Amen, brother
  • 1
    I don't really hate web dev in general, but I do hate that the challenge is non-existent.
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre oh, there is a challenge. The challenge is to not go insane.
  • 0
    @cuddlyogre how is web dev less challenge than any other app these days? Everything happens on servers. Backend is a broad thing.
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