
Sorry guys. Wtf indeed. Will take some time to restore.

The service will not be online today anymore. It needs a serious refactor on certain part. It became a bit messy.

  • 3
    The anti spam bot should never downvote users with enough reputation disregard their content. Something went terrible wrong. I disabled service for now until I have time to take serious look at it.
  • 3
    This happened. I listed snek users and some bot responded on his name (part of that list) and for some reason it concluded that he should add those users as spammer.

    So, everyone who had a Snek account got downvoted on dr.
  • 1
    We got an apology from the culprit
  • 4
    So it wasn't caused by the gluhwein then?
  • 3
    @donkulator haha, no. Pure accidental bots interpreting eachother. I know why one boy reacted on it, but don't see the logic of execute the add spammer command for every user in that list.
  • 2
    @retoor virtual hug from me ❤️ thanks for immediately jumping on it when mentioned
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