
My manager is complaining I'm committing broken, incomplete stuff.

Before my manager was complaining I didn't commit enough.

My manager is an asshole.

  • 3
    Not every task is the same, hard to measure. Since I work using AI, I have so much fails. It's absurd. Ego breaking.

    I'm now experienced enough to just quit when making a lot of errors instead of going over my tax. Not going on trough the end.
  • 5
    I'm literally just doing the same work but committing more often. Before I'd commit working stuff at sensible times. But it takes time to get stuff working. So fuck it.
  • 3
    Kill him with a spoon.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx I agree your manager is an ass, is he complaining about commits in a separate branch?
  • 0
    I'm your manager or dev lead rather. If you repeatedly commit broken stuff I will complain in the PR review and not let it pass until you do it properly.

    Evidently don't commit broken or half-done stuff, if it needs to be faster, commit an in-between feature that at least works even if it's not completely polished yet, or work on a feature branch and start the commit message with WIP:
  • 1
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    ...fucking managers.
  • 2
    @webketje had to check where you were from 😅 your name sounded plausible. I'm doing WIP commits on a branch, not doing PR till it's done but he's also giving review comments on incomplete code not currently under review and just fucking wasting my time...
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    @atheist he knows it’s possible to push branches that aren’t finished right? Does he know what a branch is? At least at a practical level?
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode what part of he's an asshole don't you understand?
  • 0
    @atheist none. I understand every part of that!
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