Looking into getting into freelancing on Fiverr.
Anyone else here doing that? I have a question on how do you design a gig, as in how you define the scope of what you do, and the pricing, and delivery time...

I have many development skills, including full stack webdev, but I can't communicate to a customer what specific kinds of "deliverables" I can provide, and, as mentioned, for how much and in how much time, in the terms that the gig creation menu asks you.

I wish there was an option like "I have these and these skills, I can help with your general software needs".

  • 1
    There's no profile page on fiver where you can flex your skills?
  • 1
    Something like this has been on my mind as well for ages, but right now things are stable enough that I don't have to.

    In short 🍿 and looking forward to what others say
  • 1
    Same here. I want to tell people who make me use Angular to go fuck themselves :D
  • 1
    @int32 wouldn't that be a dream job
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