Should the dR servers go down for good and David would pull the plug. Do we, devRanters, have a place to got to? Some discord or smth? It would be a shame for the community [or what's left of it] to cease to exist in a blink.

I know where to find retoor -- molodetz.nl . Yet it's not the means to communicate (still more than nothing) and the others won't be there.

> 16s until you can post another rant.

:D sssoooo close

  • 2
    the format might be important

    technology dictates human socializing and existence to an immense degree, historically
  • 2
    I think @retoor has some form of backup running
  • 5
    The end is nigh!

    We are doomed, doomed I tell you!

    Is he dies, he dies.
  • 3
    there is a half dead discord where only a handful of people are still active. but it is there
  • 1
    @iiii got a link?
  • 4
    @iiii leave it dead. If someone's going to maintain it, that someone needs to do it full-time. I'm not saying it's me. But it could be me:

    1. I'm retired

    2. I have plenty of time

    3. I'm retired

    4. Did I mention I'm retired?
  • 2
    @netikras i don't have an invite. try asking Codetalker, he's the owner now
  • 2
    @fruitfcker why would you need to maintain a small discord server?
  • 4
    @iiii I'm retired?
  • 2
    @fruitfcker so? noone cares
  • 3
    @iiii someone does.
  • 3
    snek.molodetz.nl is quite active but I'm not inviting everyone yet since I'm actively working on it daily! It has issues with ios but works fine on every other browser. But core functionally works great, some are using it daily almost for a month. When it's ready enough, I'll do the big invite. Because, ofc, everyone is welcome. Moderation is like devrant, there is none. The guests are just decent enough.

    But yh, it would be great if it would become a devrant backup. And if it becomes like that, we all should have a talk about how the community site must look like. So, it begins with a slack like chat (what snek is) but we could add all content pages to it where we can react on. So it becomes more devrant like.
  • 2
    @retoor can we make bots?
  • 2
    @iiii ping :)

  • 3
    @Burge444 Here's a spell for you:

    Fortiter inserere in rectum tuum.
  • 2
    @fruitfcker actually, yes.

    Edit: the literally five minute tutorial: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/snekbot
  • 2
    For some strange reason that I don’t understand myself, I‘m not interested in a discord based devrant.
  • 4
    Now I have this terrifying idea to create a kind of community server, with the same API as the official one. The existing (unofficial) apps would just need to change the server url and could keep working.

    Edit: I really mean terrifying, not terrific 😅
  • 3
    Fuck discord.

    Let's just clone devrant. If we all work together instead of doing a competition like last time, we can make it in a week.

    We just have to decide which language it's gonna use.

    Hell we're screwed
  • 3
    @antigermgerm I vote for brainfuck
  • 3
    @BordedDev Not stupid enough. I vote for JS!
  • 0
  • 2
    Guys I even have a name.

    We should call it redVant.

    Or revDant.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm why not tnarVed?
  • 4
    Or anagram?

    A Nerd TV
  • 2
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