How does one stop being boring?

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    People become boring when they stop listening to their inner voice. So start listening to your inner voice
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    @Floydian Honestly, it’s pretty hard when most people (and most things they do) aren’t interesting. Life’s got me in a toxic environment right now with no escape. Hard to look up from the pit sometimes.
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    @Floydian Two things on that:

    1.) Unfortunately, I’m in an incredibly stupid city in which nobody really has any tech knowledge. Very hard to work with.

    2.) Fortunately, I’ve got one guy who I try to hang out with and stuff, probably one of the 5 tech guys in a city of 60k. It helps a lot. He helps keep me from falling too far.

    So yeah. Oh well I guess.
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    @Floydian Metro Detroit, Michigan, US. I have issues being social with anyone anymore. Can’t tell why.
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    @Floydian Oh, I’m almost sure of that. I both need social interaction and simultaneously hate it. I understand (most of*) myself better than I get anyone else. Except when it comes to emotions, that shits confusing.

    Well, sorry for hijacking this @Trudy, hope you feel better.
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    I have downloaded the wikipedia app and I read random topics. This just make me boring with a few extra steps
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    @Rekonnect try going out (forcibly). If you don't already then try starting to watch soccer, get to like it and watch those matches with others in a bar or etc. It will get you to connect easily with other people and once u can debate and express your soccer opinions freely you'll start opening up.

    If you already watch soccer, hmm, at least attend some public seminars in an attempt to try n be social. Hope it helps.

    Don't stop trying...
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    I also really think people are intoverts in one place and are a bit more open in others, around other people. If its really bothering you, take a vacation, go somewhere far, see people, cultures and other environments. Might get you to open up bit by bit

    As @Floydian mentioned, get interested and you'll become interesting
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    I used to be introverted too in secondary school. I just decided that it was boring and I started to become an extrovert. It's not that hard, you just have to force social interaction with people and you'll become better at it every time you try.
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    Travelling, particularly if it's not somewhere everyone and their dog has been.
    Getting involved in activities outside tech/that are not normally done solo.
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    Take the bogpill.
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    Make a trip, visit a different country, make a meetup with your favourite online community, take a walk to the sightseeing spots of your own town, read books/news, get a car and wait for the problems it brings so you could always complain about it etc.
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    @hubiruchi Sounds interesting, dunno if I would do that bc I hate reading
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    @Rekonnect yeah, np m8. We have some issues in common

    @ewpratten I might be interested, let me know if you recall the company

    @kurganon @d4ng3r0u5 I travel an interesting amount, but not to anywhere special... :(

    Been to Romania and cross country plenty

    @thevariableman one day I shall find it!
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    @Trudy @ewpratten IIRC, motherboard did a video on it on YT. Watched it a while back. Let me get a link...


    That’s the vid. Enjoy!
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    @Floydian One of the issues I have repeatedly come up with is actually getting used to a new community. For devRant, I seem to fit in well, but other places, esp. reddit, I seem insignificant on join. Which is why/how I ended up being lonely and silent.
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    @Trudy Everyone’s insignificant on Reddit, don’t worry there lol. I mostly just lurk anymore.

    Also, my buddy goes to Romania sometimes! He says it’s pretty cool, how do you like it? Just out of curiosity.
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    @Rekonnect haven't been there in years, but when I did I left my phone at home in the charger, worst decision ever.
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    Where have you been in Romania?
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    @Floydian it's me making myself look small. I don't seem important because I wasn't there from the start. It's honestly hard to explain.

    @Gerrymandered Oradea, Stircii, Beușnița (nice waterfall there), and some more. I don't know if those are correct spellings tho lol
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    @Trudy nice!
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    @Gerrymandered you ever been?
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    @Trudy yeah, once in 2014, and another when I was about 9mo. old.

    I went to austria through hungry and stayed in Romania for a few weeks and reversed that and went back home ;)
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    @Floydian Control is something I have way too much of, any advice?
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