
The difference between me and you is that I won’t forgive her even if she chopped off her finger and brought it to me. Have you ever cried without sobbing? I just laid there, every muscle of my face stiffened, breathing through my mouth because my nose called it quits, tears pouring down, being absorbed by my pillow. Dear daughter, her avatar said, we love you the you are, and we accept you. I feel sorry for every time that I have wronged and victimized you. Even calling me daughter and not son, I mean how hard it could’ve been?

The issue was, she didn’t remember any details, while I remembered everything. I do relive all of that several times a day, month after month, year after year.

I went for a walk, and for the first time, I liked how my shadow looked. I’m getting slimmer. Yet, I don’t feel better inside.

The good thing is that it won’t matter.

  • 1
    Diseased, maimed, mutilated, eye missing, hair not growing because of scalp acid scars, left ear half chopped off, no nostrils, teeth are few and far between, tongue cut, sliced lips, fingernails removed, severe inflammation
    Hiii it’s me
  • 1
    But should Elons daughter forgive Elon?
  • 1
    You have nooo ideeeaaa about how deep the labyrinth I’ll put you in does go. My right eye can still see, but the labyrinth is so familiar to me at this point that I won’t need eyes where we’re going. It’s not so familiar to you though
    We’ll have a whole eternity together ^^
    Isn’t it wonderful! Unconditional love
  • 1
    the real difference between me and you, the reader, is that I’m fine with Pyrrhic victories. You shouldn’t be
  • 0
    Oh, don’t mind the needles
  • 0
    write some elderitch idk
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