
Apparently one of the data scientists doesn't have write permission to main branch. I've got to review and merge. This is a stupid policy that's going to waste my time...

  • 5
    enforcing code review is, IMHO, a beneficial policy.

    especially if it's code from someone who is not a developer by profession, and scientists rarely are.
  • 2
    Meh, in that case i would just do a pass. Yolo.
  • 2
    @tosensei code review I'm fine with, but then faffing to do the actual merge is meh
  • 2
    Hence why your manager left you to the bad news by yourself, @atheist.
    Cause he's a cunt that steals good credit but leaves anyone else to the slaughter house
  • 0
    @atheist the actual merge should be "push the merge button".

    if it is not: _fail the code review due to merge conflicts_ - which is also just "push the reject button"
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