Bible states that God created Adam and Eve, but why do we have evidence of human existence before Bible itself

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    Some take the book literally, some don't. Anyway, men suck. A rib? That's all? If Adam would've given a leg I could fly right now or smth. But noooo, everything that lame fucker could miss us a useless rib and then complain about women for a few thousain years. Ugh.
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    the Christian story mirrors an older story from Rome

    the whole thing was made up by the lizards

    both the god in that Bible and Satan are worship of the lizards (which are basically like possessing demons from another dimension)
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    because the bible is just a fairy tale with no connection to reality.
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    @retoor my favorite is where some guy got swallowed by a whale and lived!
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    @tosensei there are lessons in it connecting to reality young man. Thousands if years of wisdom in one book. I only have read kids Bible. I did read it out of my own interest, did not get stuffed down my throat.
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    @sidthepajfuk I just found this meme, it reminded me about you.
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    @retoor like the wisdom of "when you get the commandments, including 'thou shall not kill', it's totally okay to go back to camp and... kill everyone worshipping a golden calf"? or that it's better to let strangers rape your virgin daughters than your guests? or that it's okay to apply capital punishment to disobedient kids?

    yeah. the greatest wisdom this book can offer is that people=shit. maybe you should read an actual bible instead of just the few morsels picked out as suitable for child-minded individuals.

    (also: i'm pretty sure i'm older than you)
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    @retoor There is only one way to be sure :*
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    @tosensei i don't think so, young man.
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    @retoor you could interpret it as good needing a DNA sample from the bone marrow.

    If you tool a limb or an important bone you'd disable 1/2 of your starting population... A rib is ok to miss...

    And that's only if you do interpret it very literally! Could've just been a sample, but first ppl were dumb, so they wouldnt understand!
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    @retoor > 'Anyway, men suck.'

    Gee, thanks.


    /* To be very clear: treat as humorous remark. */
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    I read in the news that actually happened to a guy recently. He was swallowed whole and thought he was done for, but then the whale spat him out and he survived.
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    @retoor sometimes bursts like yours make me think he was too generous :p
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    @netikras I think he chose his rib so now he was able to suck himself :P
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