The most precious substance in world isn’t oil or gold or even printer ink. It’s anti-matter.
- PBS Spacetime

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    Antimatter isn't a substance.

    It's an antisubstance
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    And we have a factory to create it.
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    @cafecortado it doesn’t matter
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    but anti matter is a made-up and not real thing

    it's just to fix the fucked up math of previous mistakes
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    @jestdotty sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.
    Anti matter is most certainly not made up and it has been produced for years in small quantities. It is being used to study the nature of matter in our universe.
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    Anti matter has been created in large colliders several times already.

    It's just that, for obvious reasons, is *hard* to keep it from annihilating.

    Fun fact.

    If we were to contact an alien civilization, we could risk annihilation because many of our laws of physics assume electrons have negative charge, but would work exactly the same with a positive sign.

    Meaning that they could be antimatter based, see our laws, and think "it's safe". And that's the last thing you think.
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    science religion believers
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    @jestdotty I had this suspicion for quite a while already but now you have irrefutably outed yourself as one of those anti-science folks which are on the same level as flat earthers and evolution denying, young earth creationists.

    As I said some time ago, you can believe whatever you want but as soon as you choose to promote your nonsense ideas, be prepared to be called out for it.

    Now you will try to defend yourself and make it look like we are so naive to believe in all the science that is told to us, as every single one of your kind is doing. Go on, please embarrass yourself even more.
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    @Lensflare funny considering I'm from a family of relevant physicist phds

    my grandad runs a microchip testing company from which our family got quite rich and my mom's initial PhD was about gallium's application in computers... basically ushering in the computer age you live in today. an uncle died due to zero-point energy, etc...

    and they believed in folk medicine and aside from a cousin hit by lightening everyone's lived into the 90s or higher so must be doing something right I guess

    my mom ended up switching to neuroscience later on in life. like all those coo-coo quantum physicists that realize there's something wrong with the math

    I think you might be more interested in getting your jollies off in internet arguments. oh well

    I care not for embarrassment. clearly if I did I wouldn't be walking around talking as I do. I would've been hammered into conformity long ago, but it just doesn't take. are you expressing pride in engaging in abusive behaviours? strange existence to me
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    @jestdotty abusive behavior? What are you talking about again? It was a reaction to your smug statement "science religion believers".

    Cut the bullshit and gaslighting, I‘m sick of your games.

    I was as respectful and polite as humanly possible. More than you deserve. But I have limits. Stop pushing them.
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    @Lensflare eh maybe you'll figure it out. I don't think you care to hear my opinion on the matter and this is not a particularly important opinion
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    Most definitely we won't figure out your take on it.

    You're right on it not being an important opinion. It's a very uninformed and ignorant opinion.

    And we won't figure it out, because it's already been figured out, by people way smarter than me, or you will ever be.
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    I never know if you are trolling or not. That's quality shit!
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    We should really have a way to organise duels.
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