
How do you guys deal with procastination?

I have this thing where I procastinate untill the last day and then I start doing things because I feel more motivated/ working faster, untill then I watch youtube and kill time by other means.

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    1. Block distractions
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. Profit
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    I actually tried doing that, but sometimes I look for answers in youtube, and then it goes on...

    I tried Cold turkey blocker, any similar apps that would have more features in the free version?
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    You are motivating yourself through fear. Just fucking do it, takes less energy than overthinking.
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    @pionell no idea, sorry. It was enough for me to realise how much valuable time I was wasting, and deleting few apps to stop procrastinating (for most part anyway)
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    @ewpratten too familiar
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    I'm reading your rant on devRant, so I don't ;)
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    I don't have enough time to procrastinate. 😕😕
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    I procrastinate on purpose because I do my best work under pressure 😎
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    @unmarked i think thats the reason i do it, but i hate myself after it :D
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    @pionell I don't! The work is always top notch ;)
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    What i do is to break what I need to do in smaller and smaller tasks. Until one task takes no more than few hours. At this point I can pick a few task everyday and have a sense of achievement everyday. That's how I keep motivated
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    What I always tell myself
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    @Reloin hahaha you should have shared the TedEx link for others to watch it 😁
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    @CurseMeSlowly since you requested, here's the link: https://youtu.be/fxbCHn6gE3U
    (The surprising habits of original thinkers by Adam Grant)
    His talk is really inspiring, highly recommend it.
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    If you can either going to work now and rest later or rest now and work later I don't see the problem with it as long as the work gets done
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