We had a series S Xbox. Somebody left a drink too close and I think it spilled inside. The series S no longer functions. My son has been bugging me for a few months to fix it. He is gone this week for a competition.

Last night I went to walmart at around 6pm. All the weirdos were already there. (so was I, what does that say?) Got heckled in the parking by some randos in a car. (honestly have no idea what they said because lazy asses don't even try to speak anything but inner city garbage) I looked toward them and looked away. Fuck that noise. Shit heads keep showing up in my town. (thanks California, you are leaking)

Anyway I get a series X and brought it home. I set it up where the older one was. Am not going to say a word. I named it: "Dad's XBox". Gonna see what the kids say when they all get back. I stood it on end so nobody can spill anything into it.

Looked through gamepass. Not that great a selection IMO. Noticed Starfield is there. It sucked so bad it will probably always be on gamepass. Trying to recoup lost revenue. I might try and see just how bad it is. I dunno. Would rather play a TES game. Gonna try Outer Worlds I think.

I think the charcoal series X actually looks cool. Seems to have cool features too. Like you can play a game on there on your phone or some shit. I think steam has that too. Wild.

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    Gotta tell us what your kids say when they notice 😄
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    I often literally put the glass on the laptop :P
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    @retoor this is a stressful statement to me...
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    @Demolishun Yes, Starfield really is as bad as everyone says.
    Outer Worlds I found quite good. Played it at release. Seems like an eternity passed since.
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    @Lensflare can modding save it?
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    @Demolishun unfortunately no.
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    @Lensflare one fascinating thing I see in game modding is people will refrain from modding because there are no voice tracks. While AI could help with that it really tells me I should avoid a lot of voice tracks in my games. I want to encourage modding and if everything is text based except for maybe key things. Maybe it will encourage mods that are text only. Kind of fascinating to me.

    Skyrim modders got around this with the silent voice mod that allows interaction to look like it is occurring without actual voice tracks.
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    @Demolishun you got a point there, but as a gamer I hate to read long walls of text and I prefer voiced dialogues.
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    @Lensflare I think it will always come down to budget. With text you can afford translations (and hope they are right, lol) for a small dev team. I guess this might depend on how good the text to speech AI stuff is getting. I have only tested english on those.
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    @Demolishun check snek to see even what small models are capable of these days. Like 1.1gb in size. Even have an llm of 136mb.
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    Outer Worlds was terribly boring and cringe AF. It saddened me because I enjoyed some of their previous games. The game looks great, but it just feels so bland. Like potatoes without butter and salt and a sprinkle of parsley.
  • 1
    @retoor that's why a lot of laptops are sealed under the keyboard nowadays XD

    @demolishun if you want a good game pass, maybe try a steam deck?
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