
Hey @dfox and @trogus, was wondering, are there any plans for items higher than 20K upvotes? I'm at more than 120K now and I'd like a new item and also maybe something to work towards :)

Also, I'm just asking/wondering, I know what a busy life is. This is nothing more than a question, not demanding anything! (I'm deffo not in the position to demand anything)


  • 17
  • 34
    we just need a healthy dose of communism and split your upvotes amongst everyone, so you'll have to work towards 20k again 😉
  • 18
    @linuxxx also, dfox and trogus "take the hint" 😁
  • 5
    @JoshBent it’s not his upvotes

    It’s our upvotes now!

    Listen to our anthem and you shall become our comrade: https://lynkz.me/hCRbPad
  • 2
    @-vim- it was always our upvotes, but they have been illegally kept from society! also I have link preview on and dQ is a rick roll, you should've have linked the soviet anthem instead
  • 1
    @meltdown lol, I guess you didn't read my comment first
  • 3
    Putting in some ideas:
    - parrot on shoulder
    - little plant on desk
    - carpet under desk
  • 1

    Ahhh! You got me!

    @linuxxx could you add a way to disable link preview in links settings, or add a way to present a different link preview.
  • 1
    @-vim- the link preview feature was intentionally put there, just like in other link shorteners, to not be redirected to some sketchy resources
  • 6
    ++ for the little plant on the desk.
  • 1
    @-vim- @JoshBent Link preview is there indeed to make sure users can checkout link sources BEFORE going there :)
  • 4
    As allways... Please "terminator eye"
  • 4
    Plasma ball at 30k
    Animated at 50k
    ASCII Art at 200k
  • 0
    @xzvf "In November 2016, YouTube and GEMA, who represents 70,000 composers and publishers, reached a settlement agreement. The settlement sum is unknown."


    Pretty sure it's not gema but the publisher didn't make it available
  • 1
    Every 50k ++ lets you add your own unique item?
  • 6
    Trees and/or mountains in the background would be wizard.

    ++desk_plants 😊

    Budgie (head|shoulder|monitor), Macaw/Cockatoo (floor|desk){2} would also be nice, and I can think of a few people who would love them. Like. @AlexDeLarge and myself. Ofc.

    I still want a pile of gems. That one is probably not going to happen, though.
  • 2
    I'm also a fan of the idea of custom backgrounds.
  • -1
    Guys ++ me for making some cool Avatar. Well this might sound demanding but it's not. Well the previous sentence look harsh but it's not.
  • 0
  • 6
    @trogus can tell more, but yes, those are definitely in the works! We’re also adding facial expressions very soon.
  • 12
    @AlexDeLarge haha yup. Part of the idea for phase 2 is that you’ll be able to select a specific expression if you want for each comment/rant.
  • 4
  • 4
    @dfox I'm in love.
  • 3
    @dfox sounds really interesting, especially for comments that could come in handy to communicate the tone better
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