Wich Android phone should I get? I want one with android 6.

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    Android 6? Any reason why not 7, 8, or soon 9?
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    @Stuxnet just about to ask the same.
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    @BrianK @Stuxnet Ow wait haha I meant android P, so basically just a device that has the latest version, and also will get the new once.
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    @toonvanstrijp your name sounds Dutch. Are there brands you don't want something from?
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    @BrianK I am Dutch! :). No Samsung that all ;)
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    @toonvanstrijp haha thought so. I'm also Dutch. Best to not take a Samsung haha. I think all brands are becoming better and better. Personally I'm a Huawei fan. But Huawei is really slow with updates. I saw the new Asus ZenFone today and it looked pretty cool. But you can take a look at the finder on Coolblue or belsimpel. I think they will filter a lot for you before picking the right one.
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    @BrianK thanks! ;) I’m also thinking about googles new nexus, cause they keep it updated right?
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    @Null-Device I read that the new OnePlus 6 also will get android P?
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    @Null-Device what is the difference between the pixel and nexus?
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    @Null-Device haha that's for sure. I think this is my last Huawei.
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    @toonvanstrijp that's true. Or search for a brand that doesn't have a thick skin like Samsung has. If they don't have to do much adjustments on Android it faster to release an update
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    @BrianK thanks for the tips! I’m also finding the google pixel 3 now but it will be released later this year, but maybe I should wait for that :)
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    @Null-Device I’m using IPhone now, but I’m planning to use android again, the reason for me to switch to Apple was that I wanted to learn what IOS feels like so I could make better apps for it.

    What is a good android watch with a good battery, I like the Apple Watch cause I could use it 3/4 days without charging.
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    @Null-Device old school 🤓😎🧐
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    I'm really liking the look of the Nokia 7 Plus at the moment
    It's also inline to get the Android P public beta
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    Don't get a Motorola phone... I've still not gotten 8.0 and it's not supposed to come for a few more months from what I read. Piece of shit ass company makes too many phones to even begin updating them.
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    I had a Huawei P9 and liked it well enough, but will never get one again, because of EMUI.

    I currently have an Asus Zenfone 4 Pro, and am very fond of it, though I find it a little big.

    I don't want a phone made by the big 5. Apple, Samsung, HTC, LG, and Motorola.
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    @bahua why is it that you don’t want a phone of the big 5?
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    I think they're not very interesting, for the most part, and they're the most likely manufacturers to skimp on features, like expandable storage and multi-network support.

    But they still cost flagship prices, for reduced functionality.
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    @vlatkozelka I’ve got the 3t too, but I was thinking about trying something new :)
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    Yeah, if OP would just come out with a reasonably sized phone(5.2" or smaller) I'd jump on them.

    My next will probably be another xperia. Love those.
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    That sounds like, "SETTLING!"
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    My current phone is 5.5", and like I said in a previous comment in this thread, it''s a bit big for me.
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