I remember calling C#, C-Fis, because this was the only other name for this symbol than Hashtag and C Hashtag sounded wrong. But C Fis sounded wrong too and then I decided to just don’t say it’s name and if I have too say C Hashtag or Fis or whatever, which was definitely the worst option.

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    I remember calling it c-sharp
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    Sharp is the opposite of flat, which is a lowering of pitch. There is an associated sharp symbol, ♯, which may be found in key signatures or as an accidental.

    So basically you code C♯
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    @Hammster C-Fis, however, in German, would translate to C-F-sharp.

    I think I'm going to call it Cis (musical translation of C sharp) when talking German.

    German speaking people here, any better suggestion?
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    @-xlf Why would you translate a name, though? You wouldn't translate Adam to Adolf.
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    I'm deeply offended 😋
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    @-xlf I only knew # as fis. I didn’t knew there were cis, gis, etc.
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    @electrineer Actually, doesn't appear to be *that* uncommon:

    e.g.: I never hear anybody say

    "age tea em el", instead, we say "ha te em el" (html)

    or, with names: I don't think English people say "Louis quatorze", in German, we actually also translate the name, too, he's called "Ludwig der Vierzehnte" in history class here. I do admit that this isn't done for contemporary names, still non-pronounceable parts of the written names are still translated, such as "Elizabeth the second / die Zweite"
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    @-xlf I'd pronounce single letters and numerals as in the language I'm speaking. So C would be "see", not "sii". But I consider C Sharp to be the name of the language, not the note C#.
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