
Started learning TypeScript and Angular2 today. Oh to be at the bottom rung again.

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    Build more insight my friend
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    @dalastTomCruise thanks! Just grieving because I only just conquered Angular 1 😥
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    Now conquer these as well (;
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    @kshep92 same here buddy ! Hate they went with Microsoft technologies ...I loved pure JavaScript and stuff ...they jus wrote one more frame work instead of extending it ...
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    @kshep92 I know the feeling, but is definitely worth the turmoil, Angular2 rocks!
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    Angular 2 is pretty amazing. I'm nuts about it. I even like Typescript (despite the fact that it comes from M$ -- and that takes a lot).
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    @Vikram ms has gotten better, and typescript is amazing. i've started using it on nodejs backend to for all my projects now!
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    The good reviews I've been hearing about Angular2 and TypeScript is what is pushing me to do the upgrade (that and I had a nasty bout with $scope recently).

    Thanks for all the encouragement, guys! Day 2 of TypeScript Essential Training from Lynda.com
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    @kshep92 do John Papa's course on pluralsight - it's free till sunday and it's really good. or if you want to buy and own one, get Mosh Hamedani's course on Udemy!
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    @yusijs There seems to be a fair amount of overlap between this and the Lynda.com series. I've already finished Lynda's series but I'll bookmark this as well.
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    @kshep92 I've not watched Lyndas tbh. Mosh's course was amazing though, and I highly recommend it! It goes more in depth than John's imo.
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    @yusijs just took a look at this course. It covers everything I've been searching online for individually. I'll take it over the course of this week.
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