Look at this! I finally succeeded in running C code on my shitty TI-83 calculator with a Z80 CPU. This is a huge improvement as I made whole games for that thing with assembly before! 😁😍

  • 5
    Isn't that a TI-82?
  • 1
    Nice text editor you have on your shitty calculator. Syntax highlight and everything.
  • 2
    Look at this. I managed to ... Eh . Fuck it.

    I made this.

    🤞*No one will notice*
  • 4
    @Alice Can you make calculator selfie tutorial.

    I am looking for tutorial for selfie for calculator please make it.

    You are good.

    I need selfie for calculator for my instagram in meth class. Help
  • 8
    @Alice @BigBoo No, it's not fake!

    Please believe me, I am so proud of it :'(. I called the TI-82 Stats a TI-83 because it has the same specifications. The TI-82 stats is basically a copy of the TI-83 with some features taken away.

    And the fake looking calculator is an emulator, "TilEm2", on my PC that behaves exactly like the real thing. You can see the whole screenshot here

    A part from the Wikipedia article to the TI-82:

    "TI-82 STATS

    An enhanced version of the TI-82, the TI-82 STATS, was first released in 2017 in Europe. [...] In specification terms, it is virtually identical to the TI-83.
  • 0
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    @Alice Oh, come on...
  • 0
    @Alice Because when my program runs on the emulator, it is guaranteed to run on the real thing as well. The emulator runs the exact same OS as my device! I just don't test my programs on my real device because there is always the chance that I make a mistake and my device has to be reset.
  • 2
    @kangalioo Sorry for busting your balls. But it kinda looked fake when you said you ran it on your calculator and not an emulator and then the screenshot is emulator 😛
  • 9
    Oh my god, that's amazing

    (and please ignore all the hate; while the post is definitely misleading, I still think it's a little much)

    Seeing `Send(9prgmZASM` is so nostalgic haha

    I never thought to try getting MSVC/etc. to compile C to z80 assembly. When I graduated from TI83 Basic (my first programming language) to z80 assembly, I just dove in and started learning and writing raw assembly to make what I wanted. (Honestly probably one of the best decisions of my life because of how much it taught me about optimizations, etc.)

    But if I could have just written things in C?
    oh that would have been soooo much easier.
  • 3
    I killed my calculator so many times. I feel your pain ☹

    Anything that pollutes the stack, jumps to memory it shouldn't, runs out of memory, loops infinitely, calls an incorrect interrupt, etc. requires a hard reset. (For the non-familiar, this means popping out the batteries -- and sometimes the backup battery, too -- and often losing all of your data)
  • 1
    Agreeing with @Alice: You should definitely be clearer with your posts.
    but amazing regardless! 😊
  • 2
    @Root @Alice Yes, you're right. Lesson learned. Thanks for the appreciation though 😊
  • 0
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    You know you could modify your post and explain that you are running it in an emulator, so people wouldn't be misjudging to thinking of it as fake
  • 0
    @bettehem It's been too long to edit it.
  • 11
    @Alice I actually cringed reading what you said. He didn't say EXACTLY what he meant (he implied a physical shitty TI but meant a shitty virtual TI) but without question you proceeded to mock him for something he was proud of. It honestly made me feel shitty that you continued to mock him after he explained and gave a screenshot. Furthermore, who would fake being excited about running a c "hello world" on a calculator? It's so fucking specific and it isn't an outlandish, crazy claim whatsoever.

    You're a good person. Please don't mock people like this, especially if they are so proud of it.

    @kangalioo Take pride in knowing that what you did is so cool, people didn't even believe you did it. I've fucked around with calculators a lot because I love the idea of cheating on math exams. This kind of shit is not easy, very well done!
  • 0
    Nice! I did some z80 on my ti-84 a while back but the documentation was very sparse
  • 1
    You did in emulator ?

    What about in actual calculator.

    It seems your image is edited. ( pardon if is not )

    By the way nice work !
  • 0
    A 32 bit MCU and a display it's cheaper, easy to program and probably better for this purpose. If it's for learning, it's ok but too much work for something useless.
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