
We are at the end of the school year, at least in France.

This is my recap of this shitty year.

My school try to teach programming, and that’s just a try.

Some of the dudes do not event know what a variable was.

For a second year university diploma, they don’t teach OOP, no Git, no DP, no JS, no clean code or whatever.

So at the end of the year, you’ll be able to code in procedural, no versioning, spaghetti code and a big mess in folder structure, lack of interactivity because of poor JS knowledge.

Well a codebase which makes you crying blood, literally.

And that’s what a second year university diploma ...

Fortunately for the most curious there’s so much to learn out of the school but, damn, why are some schools so retarded ?
For almost 8k€/year you just receive a piece of paper and you’re still a shit in your *suppose to be* job.

  • 1
    Wait 8k€, where did you go?
    License is like 200€ then its 250 for master and 400 for doctorate...
    Enginneer is 610€...

    De toute facon aucune ecole en france n'a vocation de t'apprendre a correctement developper que je connaisse, meme en ecole d'ingé, le versionning est laissé de coté...
    Apres pour avoir les bases en math/physique/meca/electronique, ça va on a des uni/ecoles ok
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    @samblaise that’s a shame. Honestly.
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    @hube Un exemple d’école privée.
    Ja parle pas des IUT, apparemment c’est pas fameux non plus mais je ne pourrais pas confirmer.
  • 2
    I have a pretty similar rant.. but after 6 years of school. Rip money
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    Here in Israel, there are high school students (who learn """CS""") which have no idea how to print to the console. It's the first lesson.
  • 1
    Same in Germany
    I understand your problem
  • 0
    @samblaise bah du coup je pars dans une école qui ne fait que ça et qui est plutôt bien réputée mais voilà.
    C’est l’excès le plus total.
    Pour finalement apprendre des trucs useless, même pas un framework, c’est la folie.
  • 0
    I'm training to be an IT specialist (now specializing in software development) and in school my programming teachers are not very good either, they have no clue what they're doing (ok we all don't) but they don't care anymore since they'll retire soon.
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