
My new boss has such a sensitive ego. The latest is he asked me not to make big changes to 'his' code so whilst attempting to fix a bug in 'his' code I realised a big change was needed. I tell him at standup that he might want to take a look first and he agrees. A few days later he emails me to ask why I haven't finished work on the bug. When I reply he ccs other members of management to ensure he is deflecting any blame from himself (I dont even play the blame game to begin with).

The next day I email him that some tests are broken (he broke them but I just emailed him to bring his attention to it since he doesn't want me touching his code. And because it means he isn't testing properly - not that I would say that).

His reply - "are you going to fix them?"

Me - "ok"

The next morning be brings me into a meeting to ensure I agreed he wasn't to blame and that it was my fault and that he didn't understand my email response as it just said "ok".

I really can't stand such petty bs...

  • 1
    I would get fired so fast...
  • 0
    @2lazy2debug the funny thing is he is not incompetent, just an ass :D
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