Quick question.

The domain name I wanted was taken, and the person who bought it refused my offer.
So, I'm going to change it up a bit. Which one should I go for?

michelle-midnight.com (the dash might be a bad a idea.)

authormichellemidnight.com (this is way too long.)

  • 8
    how about Michellemidnght.com?
  • 15
    @Floydian I second the second one
  • 6
    Nah, there's still going to be a few idiots who'll confuse it.
  • 4
    Can't. My pen name is Michelle Midnight, so no variations of it can be used.
  • 2
    Yeah, but it's for my author website, so it needs to be a .com. :/
  • 3
    Because it's supposed to be professional, and I need as much sales as I can get on the book to reach my goal.

    .com tend to seem more professional than any other domain extensions. Besides, most people will automatically use the .com and they'll be directed to the one that was taken.
  • 8
    .book domain?

    Or MMidnight.com
  • 3
    @Stuxnet 10/10, actually didn't notice the typo
  • 5
    @ODXT @Michelle "MMidnight.com" sounds good
  • 8
  • 8
    Yeah I second MMidnight.com. If anything it sounds even better than MichelleMidnight.com
  • 11
    I kind of like the hyphen.
  • 8
    I second the third one seconding the second one!

    Also, michellemidnightbooks.com is clear and concise, don't you think?
  • 6
  • 9
    The dash is cool but it is not completely idiot proof. Same for the mmichelle ones.
    Honestly I think that, namely-wise, midnightbooks is easy and catchy: your best bet. Even with the michellemidnight name you would have to do heavy SEO anyway, so whatever. Also it sounds like a cool publisher name, it could outgrow its original purpose one day, who knows?
    On a more off topic note, what do you write? I write too. :D
  • 9
    @Michelle what about the thousands of new tld that were introduced 4 years ago? Like .writer .author .artist .unicorn and whatnot. Especially if you want it to be professional looking, I would go with michelle.unicorn.
  • 3
    mmidnight.com sounds good 👍
  • 2
    What about authormidnight.com, or authormichelle.com ?
  • 1
    My current manuscript is a psychological crime thriller, but I also write dark fantasy/supernatural and horror. And currently all my manuscripts are aimed at YA readers.

    How about you? What do you write?
  • 2

    Is your book ready to be published?

    Did you get a publisher yet?
  • 6
    I just registered them all.
  • 4
    How about a .author or .rocks tld? michelle-midnight.rocks? Sounds pretty cool to me :P
  • 4
  • 5
    How about registering all of the mentioned domains and redirecting them to the one you will use?
  • 6
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1

    If you want to talk I'm on discord. I'm also looking into getting a domain.
  • 2
    @ODXT Good Luck :)
  • 2
    Not yet. They take about 6 months to reply which is unfortunate.

    However, I did get a full manuscript request from an agent, and I'm hoping for the best. :)
  • 2

    Can we read the manu?
  • 1
  • 3
    Not quite yet. It's still in the editing phase, so I'd be embarrassed if anyone saw it rn, but I'll post a few screenshots.
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  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
    @Michelle The second screenshot... That's me. I'm Amelia.
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  • 4

    4th Screenshot: "He found his new victims." Boom! Now I want to read the whole thing. Hope it gets published soon.

    All the best!
  • 5
    Ah, that chapter. Poor Matt and Maddie who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Thank you. I've managed to gain over 600 supporters (majority from online) and I'm certain at the rate that I'm going at, it might get published by the time I turn 18. :)
  • 1
    @Michelle what about .net or .org
  • 4
    I actually have to go for the one with the dash. Normally I’d steer clear of dashes, but in this case I think it makes perfect sense for a few reasons:

    1. It’s easily readable without studying it. Some others suggested additional characters, but you want something you can just glance at and understand.
    2. I think it looks balanced with the hyphen. Both words are of similar length and both start with an m. It has a professional look to it.
    3. It would look nice in print. For print books, I think it’s especially important to have a domain you can *read* moreso than type, since you can’t just click it or copy/paste. Short domains are nice, but for slightly longer domains the hyphen can help for print readability.

    At the very least I think you should register it. You can always have it forward if it’s not your main one.
  • 3
    Okay, thanks for input! That was really helpful! :)
  • 2
    @Michelle Really cool mate! I wrote a poetry book that I fear won't be published at all; here poetry doesn't sell and publishers, as you might have already experienced, at the end of the day are just vendors, they have to sell and only a few retain that literature spider-sense to catch the good ones despite phony marketing tricksters. I'm working on many books (very hyperactive lol) at once. It seems to work this way for me. One is a fast-paced thriller about a mathematician, one is an adventure story that involves a geeky little girl and an astronaut, another one has a post-apocalyptic plot, but with a big twist :)
  • 1
    I've also written a chapbook (poetry collection) but I was too scared to publish it, since it's personal lol.

    Poetry can sell as well as fiction can. You just need to be good at marketing.

    Those sound interesting! I suggest not working on them at the same time, since things can get a bit confusing. I have about seven manuscripts that I've started. I usually work on one at a time, unless I'm taking a break from another manuscript, then I'll work on the next one.
  • 1
    Publishers always look for good writing skills. If she's a "terrible writer" as you say she is, then most likely she's an indie/self published one or her publisher was new and desperate.

    Most people say my writing is wonderful, but I still managed to get 8 rejections. :/
  • 2
    Just curious, what works has she published and who's her agent? I want to see if I can find some of her works online :D
  • 0
    Oh shit. She got published by HarperCollins? That's one of the big 5!

    It appears she wrote children's books, and her story ideas don't seem too bad. :)
  • 1
    What did you end up registering?
  • 3
    Didn't do it yet.
    I'm planning on registering michelle-midnight.com next week.

    I'll make a rant about it when it's all finished.
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