
It's vacation for me for two weeks of which one week will be a vacation outside the country and one will be home-time.

Will work on redesigning my entire server 'infrastructure' and an automated website/openvpn/whateverthefuckiwanttodeployorwhatever system solely written in bash/shell scripting.

Partly because it's awesome to learn new Linux-related stuff and partly because I really want to have this functionality and would love to write it myself.

Also working on three side projects of which two will become a service and one will be released into the open :)

But, tomorrow will be dancing my ass off to quite some of my favourite producers :D

  • 3
    Gonna open source the shell stuff? I'd be interested in taking a peak :D
  • 6
    After a while you're so gonna contemplate why so much time has been spent on automating stuff instead of actual deployments 😂 but the result is super useful in the long run, especially when used often. Make sure to allow the use of options (e.g. interface, port, webroot directory etc for web server) and the ability for the scripts to read configuration files to make it more versatile 🙂 other than that, have fun! 😁
  • 5
    As soon as you don't have to work anymore, you become a woman?

    What kind of anime are you living in?🤔
  • 0
    Wrong tag?
  • 7
    @Jilano no no no it's Boku no Pico (NSFL) 😏
  • 0
  • 1
    Well, enjoy your holidays. You deserve it.
  • 0

    It's not a rant, I think. More of a "random" post.
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