
Talking to my angry girlfriend is the hardest debugging process.
I can't even find out what went wrong

  • 37
    It's like debugging with only a notepad and every single wrong attempt can set your PC on fire.
  • 20
    I dont think you should try to guess what you did wrong, if it isnt important enough for her to tell you then dont worry, just give her some food
  • 35
    There is an error but she didn't say which files and lines the error is, also sometimes she throws a fake error
  • 1
    Only you , it's every one's story
  • 6
    @zlice I'm fine!
  • 12
    Fake error is actually a feature of her to analyze your debug attempts
  • 6
    @zlice *read at 17:32*
  • 4
    Don't try to figure it out. Just apologize.
  • 4
    Act mad also. If she thinks you're mad and doing your thing she'll eventually tell you what's wrong
  • 10
    Tell her to fuck off until she tells you wtf is wrong or shut the fuck up, if she breaks up with you because of that, be happy and back to stress free masturbation.
  • 1
    No one can do that :D

    Though you can buy her something like Ice-cream or some chocolates.
  • 6
    Then you look for old log files for clues but your log files are not even there, her's is perfectly fine with timestamps of old errors you caused dates back to more than 2-3 years.
  • 1
    What do your integration tests say?
  • 0
    @DLMousey hahaha, Indeed you are correct. My comment was based on my own experience because I tend to forget little things so it happened to me 3-4times due to that. But yea you have a different experience so nevermind.

    And there are many things which can solve this like my GF used to just let it go after being angry (without giving her anything because she neither like ice-cream nor chocolate). Because ultimately what is the point being angry for too long time?

    And maybe sometimes it is good not to know the reason but yea it totally depends on the situation though. Same like asking her a continuously about what happened will make her angrier.


    Damn!! Nevermind. Just don't take my comment seriously.
  • 1
    @segfaults as if the log files would do any good, reality itself has changed since those, so even if you have her written word about an issue it might not be valid anymore or brings more anger
  • 1
    But the same stuff was working fine until just a few moments ago :D
  • 0
    beware, she probably will brings up your years ago *fixed* bugs too. you really don't want that to happen.
  • 3
    Works on my machine :D

    Sorry :D
  • 1
    I will leave it here....
  • 3
    @AlexDeLarge It's not always sexist to mention differences between men and women. Reality is that you and I walk around with about 10x testosterone, and very little estrogen compared to the average non-penis wielding human — and those have very real effects on mood and reasoning.

    Plus there is a real, measurable cultural feedback effect, most men and women behave according to what they think it's normal for their gender even when it's not biologically determined.

    The harsh part is to realize that because mood (especially menstruation-related) is kind of drug-induced that it isn't rational, and you can't fix it with rationality. It's not a battle you can win. Compare it to someone having a bad trip, the best you can do is not argue, but distract and make comfortable.

    It would however be sexist to pretend that women are these irrational drug-induced monsters while men are superiorly sipping tea with their high hats discussing philosophy and politics. When a sexy girl winks at me in the subway, I really have to focus to not let my brain completely unravel — my rationality goes down the drain faster than my girlfriend can scoop away ice cream during her period.
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge True. And the "did you just assume my gender" meme is strangely applicable, to the point where my girl sometimes sits burping behind her PC responding to me being mopey:

    "So how does that work, did you just grow a cunt or do you bleed straight out of the tip of your cock?"
  • 1

    But I do think it's important to recognize that both genders are heavily influenced by hormones to the point where it resembles a drug induced state, and that being right or treating each other fairly isn't enforceable. On average you have to get to a point you're both satisfied with, but you have to allow each other some space to sit out your individual delusional trips as well.
  • 2
    git reset
  • 0
    User error
  • 3
    Maybe relaunch /usr/local/bin/girlfriend with -d or -vvv argument and sift through the endless amount of stdout and stderr it produces 🤔
  • 1
    If it's running even with bugs don't change anything. Deploy to production and let everyone else handle it. Claim it was like that since ever. ^^
  • 2
    Angry girlfriends have no logic, it is a random generator of arguments that hide a sort of sense of what could have gone wrong.

    Also, it is not a bug, its a feature.
  • 0
    @Floydian over simplified, and the xonditions shouls be if you respect yourself.
  • 0
    @WildOrangutan you probably have the permissions or setup wrong, fix it and test properly.
  • 0
    Check /var/log/messages my dude!

    But seriously, good luck.
  • 1
    git reset --hard origin/stable
  • 0
    @Teknas can she be stable though?
  • 0
    Just look at it like warnings when compiling:

    Let her warn warn warn until she cant warn anymore.

    Ask questions like look up possible solutions, even though you really couldn't care about warnings but now she feels better.

    And the program will still work.
  • 3
    Maybe you need a break...point
  • 1
    Maybe you should get rid of the program and your won’t have the bugs🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    "Cannot reproduce the problem" 8)
  • 0
    Did you try turning it off and on?
  • 0
    Set break Points
  • 0
    Throw a few breakpoints in there. (Just walk away)
  • 1
    You can't even format that shit...
  • 0
    @stereo tab or space? 8)
  • 2
    @FunkDelegate not gonna say FAT32, she might misinterpret it...
  • 2
    Don't worry. One day you will be debugging a completely different issue and all of a sudden she will throw a stack trace of this right in your face.
  • 1
    Just don't worry! You can try it!
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