
I'm having low motivation these days.. waking up, showering, breakfasting, and already do I want to get back to sleep.. even extra caffeine doesn't seem to help anymore... What's wrong with me? ._.

  • 7
    Are you in love??
    *forgive me for this comment
  • 17
    @const $ file love
    love: cannot open `love' (No such file or directory)
  • 2
    Maybe try out new hobbies or a side project! Another thing is excercise will definitely help out
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    I started feeling the same when I wanted to begin learningn Js :( and i still need halp
  • 6
    @Condor you sir, need a break.
    P.s- don't rm rf again 😕 we are here for you .
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    @RantSomeWhere now that's a nice side project to dive into! I'm afraid that it's going to be rather large with all the integrations (sudo, devRant client so that I don't mindlessly rm -rf again, …) that I want to make for it though. So I'll have to break it up into tinier bits or really put my teeth into it as a major project.

    Well, I guess that I could do some cleanup in the house and build this 3.5mm audio and USB extrusion for my desk for today.. that coupled with music should hopefully do.
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    I this kind of situation I usually hangout with my friends, watches some comic movies or series and get more than enough sleep, and ofcourse nice food. Sometime sports
  • 3
    Caffeine is a bitch and don't depend on it too much.

    Try to force yourself to run (longer distances are better) it will improve your body condition, improve quality of sleep and increase happiness, but you need try to like it and do it. It's just hour or even less each day.
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    have the same thing the whole day today, but i suspect its weather related, spend all my power today writing two(2) e-mails and felt exhaustet afterwards. Maybe some sleep will help...
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    @Condor I dun't want to get sad over itt, but I've felt similar I guess. Not related to programming as I totally suck at it, yet in some other aspects of my life :(

    I hope you feel better soon x.x
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    @BurnoutDV Could be yes.. a few days ago I was bedridden for the entire day because the heat was too much.. that aircooler here has been doing wonders, running 24/7 and making summer at least somewhat bearable, haha. Can't wait for the winter to come again... At least then I can run this biological engine without constantly overheating :')
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    @BGMP Thanks ^^ and hopefully things will soon sort themselves out over there as well :)
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    feeling the same atm. for me it's lack of social life and practically no daily structure. i'm basically alone at home all day. i hope this changes in august.

    maybe you could try something new. something what is not related to your job/field of interest.

    being near rivers in the wild helps me to clear my mind and gives me new inspiration. maybe this is something for you too
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    Stop drinking caffeine, force yourself to go to bed at a decent hour for at least 2 days, and listen to your body for the nap/sleeptimes from then onwards.

    I'm not the one to judge you, as being a friggin' addict for zé loads of caffeine...

    Though, I'm still motivated, even on 1-2h of sleep. (:
  • 1
    Sounds very much like exhaustion to me. Watch out for total depletion, it can take months or years to recover. (search Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

    Most of all, speak to someone about it.

    Best wishes.
  • 1
    Could be poor nutrition. How are you eating?
  • 1
    get laid
  • 7
    @datawraith macaroni, omelets, cereals, things like that.. usually I just eat when I'm hungry but just like with my sleep, that doesn't really make my meals very regular. Perhaps I should really look for a job to regulate my lifestyle :/
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    @bondman gibe de pusi boss :v
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    @Condor lmao..umm.. try dolls on Amazon ?
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    @Condor hang there buddy! Things will be change for the best. Maybe things are becoming routine for you so get bored and no motivation. Maybe change somethings in your day to day things.
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    Aging programmer syndrome
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    @Condor you should..i am told some of them feel real ;)..with my job and the number of hrs i am having to put into it..doll might be my only option soon
  • 7
    @bondman hah, good point. Girlfriends can be quite expensive and time-consuming indeed.. guess why I still haven't looked into getting one :v
    Well, fuckdolls could be nice but due to size considerations and reviews online I'd rather go for a Fleshlight instead 🤔
  • 1
    @Condor i am told the ones from JPY are the real deal and i dont think they are on amazon :)
  • 1
    Take a three day break!
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