Hey guys so I am currently working in a recruitment firm. (Don't ask why.. it's just for money to fund my abroad studies).

My passion is android development.

I dont get time for development as i spend all my time on job and end up being tired.

My question is would it be awkward if i brought my laptop at work and coded during my lunch and break hours. I could totally do that.

Would it seem awkward to fellow colleagues if I brought my laptop and coded.

Can someone plzzz advise me about this๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“

  • 4
    Yeah it would probably look slightly weird to your colleagues. Should you give a shit? Absolutely fucking not.

    Do what you want to do, fuck what other people think.
  • 1
    Well, you said it yourself, you can totally do that.
  • 1
    @for-Each would it look good if I did that. I mean I could literally use that 1 hour to code instead of chit chatting with ppl, whom I don't like too.
  • 3
    @jobstuck it’d definitely show dedication to your craft. At some point during your dev career you’re going to be interviewing for a position and there going to ask about a time you had to manage time efficiently to get shit done.
    Doing that right there is what people want to see.

    Take your laptop in, code during your dinners if you want, code on your commute home if you want just get it done. In a couple years time you’ll thank yourself for it.
  • 0
    @for-Each Thnks for the motivation, have definitely got some courage to do what I love with that.
  • 1
    @jobstuck You’ll make it work, if your passionate enough you’ll work through it. It’s not easy & sometimes it just sucks, but it’s almost always worth it.
  • 0
    Cant you recruit yourself for a dev job?
  • 0
    @Codex404 Lol. sadly it doesn't work that way. anyhow it's just yr after I'm moving on to further studies.
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