
Ooo, nice number 😁
Come to think of it, how many people do you think have it as their password? 😏

  • 7
    Sike nice number gone

    And way too many people have it in their password, that's for sure.
  • 6
    @Stuxnet luckily I was able to record it in time 🙃
  • 8
    The best password is 123457
  • 7
    you evil haxxor.. I guess upvoting this rant was a security fix.
  • 8
    @RantSomeWhere hahaha, thanks for the laugh 🤣 let's see how long it takes before BuzzFeed does a runaway with that headline 😂
  • 7
    @Frederick actually, bank card pins have already been leaked - ALL OF THEM!

  • 7
    @Fast-Nop 😱 my pin code was hacked? And whenever I change it they already have it.. that's next-level hekurman 😨
  • 3
    @ArcaneEye feel free to 🙃
  • 3
    @malphas Integers aren't arrays :)
  • 2
    @BambuSource nah its 01123581321345589
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge haha, very true. The many upvote sprees over time definitely helped a lot with that too 😊
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere Actually... all CVC's are also hacked and inside the Pin-list that @Fast-Nop has mentioned - just mitigate 1000-9999 xD
  • 1
    @stop yaaayy you little fibo :D
  • 3
    I once remember my mom creating a game account for me and it was like the hardest thing in my life.

    Mom: Your password is ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX. Don't forget it. It's your ONLY password.

    Me: I won't, mom. I won't. *Says dramatically*
  • 4
    @imjxvier I presume that you've changed that password or deleted the account by now? :P
  • 3
    @Condor I lost it in the most innocent way possible lol

    dude: wanna free coins?

    me, 10 years old: yes!!!

    dude: well, this is a trick, please give me your email and password

    me: *email and password*

    dude: logout of the game and enter again for free coins

    me: *logs out, tries to enter, auth failed*

    me: :(
  • 3
  • 2
    God dammit @condor now I need to change my password 😔
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