
Today's work activities:

Playing football with a gymnastic ball (those big ass things you can sit on) with a colleague at the office and playing mobile games 😊

Oh yeah, also had a special beer!

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    *other ranters complaining about catagories*
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    @CozyPlanes Howso? This is a rant. It doesn't have to bf angry.
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    @linuxxx *not a dev related*

    And i am not complaining 😁😁

    Have fun!
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes sysadmin related as I am a sysadmin 😊
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    @1989 Why do you care so much about this ++ thing? I don't really get why it's worth being salty about.
    As for rantness (if that's a term) yeah it's a story, alright. A story of a workplace that I really envy if it allows its employees to procrastinate so much, lol!
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    @linuxxx why do you have a pair of glass infront of your eyes?
  • 3
    Cmon people it's "story/rant" so if it's a story just chill. Also I'm jealous @Linuxxx
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- Because I wear computer glasses all the time 😊
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    I just did 14 hours of manual labor. Hbu?😅
  • 2
    Special beer always sounds like fun :) hope you had a good day. And for all the ranters that rant about this not being a rant - maybe you should see it as a rant about rants generally. Good days and fun should be praised. So it actually is a rant about rants if you put it on a meta level.
  • 0
    @Loading dammit your username tricked me
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