
Installed my pihole a few days ago and not a very high percentage blocked.

Added google/facebook/twitter and some more to the wildcard (regex) blacklist and BAM, so many blocked queries!

Fuck Google, Facebook, twitter and other mass surveillance companies.

  • 9
    Listen, I'm all for privacy and stuff but how do you expect companies to reach the masses without social media? By advertising on tv? LOL.

    I'm selling some online services and without social media I wouldn't be able to reach the amount of people I'm reaching right now.

    Maybe it's my entrepreneur mindset but I'm all for social media. I got no personal socials but as a business it's SO USEFUL.

    I'm not putting profit over people btw, just saying that it's not all that bad.
  • 4
    @devRow I'm not against social media, I'm against social media platforms choosing to get integrated with mass surveillance platforms over shutting down.
  • 1
    @linuxxx I understand where you're coming from as I've been a privacy freak before (hence no personal socials). But the only other way would be to let people pay for the social media platform so they would be able to make enough $ to keep the company and servers going. There is a high probability this will happen in the future (like people still paying for tv subscriptions nowadays), but as of now and the near, there is no chance really.

    Not using any google (or other major social) services ... damn ... the value they offer to me is worth far more than them being able to listen and see my stoned conversations with my friends. This is not me saying I will give up privacy for social media, not at all ...
  • 2
    @devRow I think we're having a miscommunication here.

    I'm not talking about the money those companies make with user data (although I despise them for that and would rather see them die really), I'm taking about them being directly integrated within an NSA powered mass surveillance network.

    That's the biggest part that I'm not okay with.
  • 0
    @linuxxx I feel you , but well, I know you live in Eindhoven for example. Check some skyscrapers over there, you'll see police peripherals all over the place. If organizations like the NSA are integrated into the physical world, they also will be into the digital world (unless there's some huge cross dimentional revolution and there's no crime anymore)

    Good luck standing up against the NSA (or any similar organization) in that private meeting as a CEO :)

    Just saying bro, we need privacy freaks like you though
  • 0
    @devRow I do not even live near Eindhoven....?

    But yes, it's already quite fucked up.

    And thanks 😊
  • 0
    @linuxxx I'm sorry, do you work there? I just remember you mentioning something similar :)
  • 1
    @devRow Traveled through once or twice but that's it haha :)
  • 1
    @undef I honestly don't completely know what that is. Feel free to enlighten me!
  • 1
    Urgh @undef

    You clearly don't have a clue about what Anarchism is. Read a bit pls

  • 4
    @undef @NefixEstrada I'm confused now but to put it simple:

    I think having a government is good. Any form of mass surveillance is bad imo. Any form of user tracking and privacy invading is bad as well imo. Any closed source software is suspicious imo.

    Simple as that.
  • 0
    @undef What depends on that?
  • 1
    I just commented to avoid misunderstoods :D
  • 1
    @undef No I said that I think that in general, a governing authority is good. Because otherwise you'd get chaos.
  • 1
    @undef No, an informed opinion based on loads of research.

    Without any form of government, who'd keep the viral infrastructure running? Who'd make sure that laws regarding net neutrality would stay in place? Who'd make sure that people who can't find a job get an income? Who'd make sure that riots wouldn't take over everywhere? Who'd make sure that things like food and water would be distributed fairly?
  • 1
    This dude ._.
  • 4
    @NefixEstrada @undef Well, instead of keeping calling me naive, why don't you come with arguments/facts or whatever which support your views? Because this is not going to help anyone.
  • 1
    @undef can you please link me something to read?
  • 1
    I my last comment was talkikg about @undef, @linuxxx
  • 0
    Check the book I linked, it's the best book to learn about anarchism, imo @mngr
  • 1
    @NefixEstrada Ooh good to know 😁
  • 0
    Don't get me wrong, though @linuxxx. I do believe in anarchism. I just hate people that missinform and spread lies. If you want to have good information and facts, read. I'm not enough smart and I haven't read enoygh to give you those, but there's people who've spent their whole lives writting and they're going to inform you better than I can do :)
  • 2
    @NefixEstrada dunno about you, man, but I've found that most proponents of anarchism either

    justify their argument with some weird logic that doesn't hang together,

    come from really small, stable countries where it may actually work for a short time,

    or have no idea what all goes into actually running a country.

    There are a billion details that must be taken care of, someone has to do it. The public machinery is very very important for so many reasons, I'm not even talking about visible stuff like law and order here.

    Any bunch of people without leadership or government is bound to fail. Yes, governance has a lot of issues but the alternative is just horrible.
  • 1
    Some government is necessary. It organizes the people and resources and allows e.g. defending the land from foreign invaders.

    Much past that, it's only ever been destructive and invasive.

    No government: bad.
    Small government: good.
    Large government: terrible.
  • 0
    @undef you know some of the recipes in the anarchist cookbook are wrong, right? As in: potentially lethal (to yourself and those around you) errors
  • 2
    I just set up pihole again, could you share your block lists, please? :)
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