
one fucking day of coding

[master bf2b7e5] implement scheduler that process next lbmm every few minutes
29 files changed, 3741 insertions(+), 841 deletions(-)

fuck ya

and its all cleaner than a... uh, something that's really clean

  • 3
    * cleaner than your mom kitchen countertop *
  • 3
    Cleaner than my Tinder inbox
  • 1
    @gathurian bro, seriously, Tinder is really hard to get traction on, unless you're built like Pitt in Fight Club, with lots of tattoos

    I know, because I posted pics like that once just as a test

    I am now getting tattoos

    try match, pof, or really, any other site

    or get tattoos

    it is seriously ridiculous...
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